

  • balancerStop

New in version 3.4.

Disables the balancer in a sharded cluster. If a balancing round isin progress, the operation waits for balancing to complete.

Starting in MongoDB 4.2, the command disables auto-splitting for the sharded cluster. To enable auto-splitting when the balancer isdisabled, you can use sh.enableAutoSplit().


You can only issue the balancerStop against theadmin database on a mongos instance.

The command takes the following form:

  1. db.adminCommand( { balancerStop: 1, maxTimeMS: <number> } )
balancerStopanyAny value.
maxTimeMSintegerTime limit for disabling the balancer.Defaults to 60000 milliseconds.Changed in version 3.4: If using the 3.4 mongo shell with earlier versionsharded clusters, the parameter specifies the amount ofmilliseconds to wait for the balancing round to stop.


To stop the balancer thread, connect to a mongos instanceand issue the following command:

  1. db.adminCommand( { balancerStop: 1 } )

See also