
  • Bulk.toString()

New in version 2.6.

Returns as a string a JSON document that contains the number ofoperations and batches in the Bulk() object.


The following initializes a Bulk() operations builder on theitems collection, adds a series of write operations, and callsBulk.toString() on the bulk builder object.

  1. var bulk = db.items.initializeOrderedBulkOp();bulk.insert( { item: "abc123", status: "A", defaultQty: 500, points: 5 } );bulk.insert( { item: "ijk123", status: "A", defaultQty: 100, points: 10 } );bulk.find( { status: "D" } ).removeOne();bulk.toString();

The Bulk.toString() returns the following JSON document

{ “nInsertOps” : 2, “nUpdateOps” : 0, “nRemoveOps” : 1, “nBatches” : 2 }

See also
