• "local"

Read Concern "local"

A query with read concern "local" returns data from the instancewith no guarantee that the data has been written to a majority of thereplica set members (i.e. may be rolled back).

Read concern "local" is the default for:

Regardless of the read concern level, the most recent data on anode may not reflect the most recent version of the data in the system.

Causally Consistent Sessions

Read concern local is available for use with causallyconsistent sessions.

Read Concern "local" and Transactions

You set the read concern at the transaction level, not at theindividual operation level. To set the read concern for transactions,see Transactions and Read Concern.


Consider the following timeline of a write operation Write0 toa three member replica set:


For simplification, the example assumes:

  • All writes prior to Write0 have been successfullyreplicated to all members.
  • Writeprev is the previous write before Write0.
  • No other writes have occured after Write0.

Timeline of a write operation to a three member replica set.

TimeEventMost Recent WriteMost Recent w: “majority” write
t0Primary applies Write0Primary: Write0Secondary1: WriteprevSecondary2: WriteprevPrimary: WriteprevSecondary1: WriteprevSecondary2: Writeprev
t1Secondary1 applies write0Primary: Write0Secondary1: Write0Secondary2: WriteprevPrimary: WriteprevSecondary1: WriteprevSecondary2: Writeprev
t2Secondary2 applies write0Primary: Write0Secondary1: Write0Secondary2: Write0Primary: WriteprevSecondary1: WriteprevSecondary2: Writeprev
t3Primary is aware of successful replication to Secondary1 and sends acknowledgement to clientPrimary: Write0Secondary1: Write0Secondary2: Write0Primary: Write0Secondary1: WriteprevSecondary2: Writeprev
t4Primary is aware of successful replication to Secondary2Primary: Write0Secondary1: Write0Secondary2: Write0Primary: Write0Secondary1: WriteprevSecondary2: Writeprev
t5Secondary1 receives notice (through regular replication mechanism) to update its snapshot of its most recent w: “majority” writePrimary: Write0Secondary1: Write0Secondary2: Write0Primary: Write0Secondary1: Write0Secondary2: Writeprev
t6Secondary2 receives notice (through regular replication mechanism) to update its snapshot of its most recent w: “majority” writePrimary: Write0Secondary1: Write0Secondary2: Write0Primary: Write0Secondary1: Write0Secondary2: Write0

Then, the following tables summarizes the state of the data that a readoperation with "local" read concern would see attime T.

Timeline of a write operation to a three member replica set.

Read TargetTime TState of Data
PrimaryAfter t0Data reflects Write0.
Secondary1Before t1Data reflects Writeprev
Secondary1After t1Data reflects Write0
Secondary2Before t2Data reflects Writeprev
Secondary2After t2Data reflects Write0