Replication Reference

Replication Methods in the mongo Shell

rs.add()Adds a member to a replica set.
rs.addArb()Adds an arbiter to a replica set.
rs.conf()Returns the replica set configuration document.
rs.freeze()Prevents the current member from seeking election as primary for a period of time. basic help text for replica set functions.
rs.initiate()Initializes a new replica set.
rs.printReplicationInfo()Prints a report of the status of the replica set from the perspective of the primary.
rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo()Prints a report of the status of the replica set from the perspective of the secondaries.
rs.reconfig()Re-configures a replica set by applying a new replica set configuration object.
rs.remove()Remove a member from a replica set.
rs.slaveOk()Sets the slaveOk property for the current connection. Deprecated. Use readPref() and Mongo.setReadPref() to set read preference.
rs.status()Returns a document with information about the state of the replica set.
rs.stepDown()Causes the current primary to become a secondary which forces an election.
rs.syncFrom()Sets the member that this replica set member will sync from, overriding the default sync target selection logic.

Replication Database Commands

applyOpsInternal command that applies oplog entries to the current data set.
isMasterDisplays information about this member’s role in the replica set, including whether it is the master.
replSetAbortPrimaryCatchUpForces the elected primary to abort sync (catch up) then complete the transition to primary.
replSetFreezePrevents the current member from seeking election as primary for a period of time.
replSetGetConfigReturns the replica set’s configuration object.
replSetGetStatusReturns a document that reports on the status of the replica set.
replSetInitiateInitializes a new replica set.
replSetMaintenanceEnables or disables a maintenance mode, which puts a secondary node in a RECOVERING state.
replSetReconfigApplies a new configuration to an existing replica set.
replSetResizeOplogDynamically resizes the oplog for a replica set member. Available for WiredTiger storage engine only.
replSetStepDownForces the current primary to step down and become a secondary, forcing an election.
replSetSyncFromExplicitly override the default logic for selecting a member to replicate from.

Replica Set Reference Documentation