- Returns the hash values of the collections in a database and anMD5 value for these collections.
is usefulto compare databases acrossmongod
instances, such asacross members of replica sets.
has the following syntax:
- db.runCommand ( { dbHash: 1, collections: [ <collection1>, ... ] } )
Any typeThe command to run. Specify any value.collections
arrayOptional. An array of collection names.
Either specify the collections for which to return the hash values,or omit or specify an empty array to return the hash values for allcollections in the database.
Non-Existent Collection
If a collection in the collections
array is non-existent,dbHash
does not return a hash value for that collection.
MongoDB drivers automatically set afterClusterTime for operations associated with causallyconsistent sessions. Starting in MongoDB 4.2, thedbHash
command no longer support afterClusterTime. As such, dbHash
cannot be associatdwith causally consistent sessions.
Return Document
The command returns a document with the following fields:
Field | Description |
host | The host and port of the mongod instance on whichthe command is run. |
collections | A document with the collections and their corresponding hash values.
capped | An array that lists the capped collections.New in version 4.0. |
uuids | A document with the collections and their corresponding UUID values.New in version 4.0. |
md5 | The aggregate hash value for these collections. |
timeMillis | Number of milliseconds to generate the hash. |
ok operationTime $clusterTime | Returned with every command. See also Responsefor details. |
Return Hash Values for All Collections in a Database
The following example returns the hash value for all collections in thedatabase test
- use test
- db.runCommand( { dbHash: 1 } )
The operation returns the following document:
- {
- "host" : "myHostName.local:27017",
- "collections" : {
- "foo" : "d27b769230edc551d869060ec3fb68bd",
- "inventory" : "ec3d821581ea1bd3aa8196c94b946874",
- "log" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
- "orders" : "0242c0a128c284ea9576a34db2306c12",
- "restaurants" : "5dc9b88091c36f0d529567b5b6e3fc92",
- "zipcodes" : "31ede812bf397509a87359c65bf2a08c"
- },
- "capped" : [
- "log"
- ],
- "uuids" : {
- "foo" : UUID("469592fe-3bfe-425e-975f-cedbe0c4741d"),
- "inventory" : UUID("0830e0ad-cc24-4fc7-80d0-8e22fe45e382"),
- "log" : UUID("4be024ff-711b-4ab8-836b-dee662e090f1"),
- "orders" : UUID("755be489-745f-400c-ac3b-f27525ad0108"),
- "restaurants" : UUID("520b56ec-3276-4904-b6e5-286bc9bfa648"),
- "zipcodes" : UUID("12e97b70-c174-40af-a178-5d83a241fe20")
- },
- "md5" : "0cb7417ae9d9eb865000b4debdc671da",
- "timeMillis" : 53,
- "ok" : 1,
- "operationTime" : Timestamp(1529208582, 4),
- "$clusterTime" : {
- "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1529208582, 4),
- "signature" : {
- "hash" : BinData(0,"X3MmevDqUgCVvN1AhnT+fiOL/Lc="),
- "keyId" : NumberLong("6567898567824900097")
- }
- }
- }
Return Hash Values for Specified Collections in a Database
The following example returns the hash value for the collections inventory
and orders
in the database test
- use test
- db.runCommand( { dbHash: 1, collections: [ "inventory", "orders" ] } )
The operation returns the following document:
- {
- "host" : "myHostName.local:27017",
- "collections" : {
- "inventory" : "ec3d821581ea1bd3aa8196c94b946874",
- "orders" : "0242c0a128c284ea9576a34db2306c12"
- },
- "capped" : [ ],
- "uuids" : {
- "inventory" : UUID("0830e0ad-cc24-4fc7-80d0-8e22fe45e382"),
- "orders" : UUID("755be489-745f-400c-ac3b-f27525ad0108")
- },
- "md5" : "cb4676f316ff2ff29c701a5edd18afe3",
- "timeMillis" : 0,
- "ok" : 1,
- "operationTime" : Timestamp(1529208801, 1),
- "$clusterTime" : {
- "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1529208801, 1),
- "signature" : {
- "hash" : BinData(0,"I4z4a4Mgs+tcx0MP5xIU8DYAMB0="),
- "keyId" : NumberLong("6567898567824900097")
- }
- }
- }