A Send Task is used to send a message. In Camunda this is done by calling Java code.
The Send Task has the same behavior as a Service Task.
<sendTask id="sendTask" camunda:class="org.camunda.bpm.MySendTaskDelegate" />
Camunda Extensions
Attributes | |
camunda:asyncBefore, camunda:asyncAfter, camunda:class, camunda:delegateExpression, camunda:exclusive, camunda:expression, camunda:jobPriority, camunda:resultVariable, camunda:topic, camunda:type, camunda:taskPriority | |
Extension Elements | |
——- | |
camunda:failedJobRetryTimeCycle, camunda:field, camunda:connector, camunda:inputOutput | |
Constraints | |
——- | |
One of the attributes camunda:class , camunda:delegateExpression , camunda:type or camunda:expression is mandatory |
The attribute camunda:resultVariable can only be used in combination with the camunda:expression attribute |
The camunda:exclusive attribute is only evaluated if the attribute camunda:asyncBefore or camunda:asyncAfter is set to true |
The attribute camunda:topic can only be used when the camunda:type attribute is set to external . |
The attribute camunda:taskPriority can only be used when the camunda:type attribute is set to external . |
原文: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.9/reference/bpmn20/tasks/send-task/