Creates a new task.


POST /task/create


Request Body

A JSON object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
id String The id of the task.
name String The task name.
description String The task description.
assignee String The user to assign to this task.
owner String The owner of the task.
delegationState String The delegation state of the task. Corresponds to the DelegationState enum in the engine. Possible values are RESOLVED and PENDING.
due String The due date for the task. Default format* yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.
followUp String The follow-up date for the task. Default format* yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.
priority Number The priority of the task.
parentTaskId String The id of the parent task, if this task is a subtask.
caseInstanceId String The id of the case instance the task belongs to.
tenantId String The id of the tenant the task belongs to.


This method returns no content.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
204 Request successful.
400 application/json Returned if a not valid delegationState is supplied. See the Introduction for the error response format.



POST /task/create

Request Body:

  1. {
  2. "id": "aTaskId",
  3. "name": "My Task",
  4. "description": "This have to be done very urgent",
  5. "priority" : 30,
  6. "assignee" : "peter",
  7. "owner" : "mary",
  8. "delegationState" : "PENDING",
  9. "due" : "2014-08-30T10:00:00.000+0200",
  10. "followUp" : "2014-08-25T10:00:00.000+0200",
  11. "parentTaskId" : "aParentTaskId",
  12. "caseInstanceId" : "aCaseInstanceId",
  13. "tenantId" : null
  14. }


Status 204. No content.
