Queries for the number of historic decision instances that fulfill the givenparameters. Takes the same parameters as the Get Historic Decision Instances method.


GET /history/decision-instance/count


Query Parameters

Name Description
decisionInstanceId Filter by decision instance id.
decisionInstanceIdIn Filter by decision instance ids. Must be a comma-separated list of decision instance ids.
decisionDefinitionId Filter by the decision definition the instances belongs to.
decisionDefinitionIdIn Filter by the decision definitions the instances belongs to. Must be a comma-separated list of decision definition ids.
decisionDefinitionKey Filter by the key of the decision definition the instances belongs to.
decisionDefinitionKeyIn Filter by the keys of the decision definition the instances belongs to. Must be a comma-separated list of decision definition keys.
decisionDefinitionName Filter by the name of the decision definition the instances belongs to.
decisionDefinitionNameLike Filter by the name of the decision definition the instances belongs to, that the parameter is a substring of.
processDefinitionId Filter by the process definition the instances belongs to.
processDefinitionKey Filter by the key of the process definition the instances belongs to.
processInstanceId Filter by the process instance the instances belongs to.
caseDefinitionId Filter by the case definition the instances belongs to.
caseDefinitionKey Filter by the key of the case definition the instances belongs to.
caseInstanceId Filter by the case instance the instances belongs to.
activityIdIn Filter by the activity ids the instances belongs to. Must be a comma-separated list of acitvity ids.
activityInstanceIdIn Filter by the activity instance ids the instances belongs to. Must be a comma-separated list of acitvity instance ids.
tenantIdIn Filter by a comma-separated list of tenant ids. A historic decision instance must have one of the given tenant ids.
evaluatedBefore Restrict to instances that were evaluated before the given date. By default*, the date must have the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g., 2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200.
evaluatedAfter Restrict to instances that were evaluated after the given date. By default*, the date must have the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g., 2013-01-23T14:42:45.000+0200.
userId Restrict to instances that were evaluated by the given user.
rootDecisionInstanceId Restrict to instances that have a given root decision instance id. This also includes the decision instance with the given id.
rootDecisionInstancesOnly Restrict to instances those are the root decision instance of an evaluation. Value may only be true, as false is the default behavior.
decisionRequirementsDefinitionId Filter by the decision requirements definition the instances belongs to.
decisionRequirementsDefinitionKey Filter by the key of the decision requirements definition the instances belongs to.


A JSON object that contains the count as the only property.

Name Value Description
count Number The number of matching historic decision instances.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
200 application/json Request successful.
400 application/json Returned if some of the query parameters are invalid. See the Introduction for the error response format.



GET /history/decision-instance/count


  1. {
  2. "count": 4
  3. }

原文: https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.9/reference/rest/history/decision-instance/get-decision-instance-query-count/