Queries for historic external task logs that fulfill the given parameters.The size of the result set can be retrieved by using the Get External Task Log Count method.
GET /history/external-task-log
Query Parameters
Name | Description |
logId | Filter by historic external task log id. |
externalTaskId | Filter by external task id. |
topicName | Filter by an external task topic. |
workerId | Filter by the id of the worker that the task was most recently locked by. |
errorMessage | Filter by external task exception message. |
activityIdIn | Only include historic external task logs which belong to one of the passed activity ids. |
activityInstanceIdIn | Only include historic external task logs which belong to one of the passed activity instance ids. |
executionIdIn | Only include historic external task logs which belong to one of the passed execution ids. |
processInstanceId | Filter by process instance id. |
processDefinitionId | Filter by process definition id. |
processDefinitionKey | Filter by process definition key. |
tenantIdIn | Only include historic external task log entries which belong to one of the passed and comma-separated tenant ids. |
priorityLowerThanOrEquals | Only include logs for which the associated external task had a priority lower than or equal to the given value. Value must be a valid long value. |
priorityHigherThanOrEquals | Only include logs for which the associated external task had a priority higher than or equal to the given value. Value must be a valid long value. |
creationLog | Only include creation logs. Value may only be true , as false is the default behavior. |
failureLog | Only include failure logs. Value may only be true , as false is the default behavior. |
successLog | Only include success logs. Value may only be true , as false is the default behavior. |
deletionLog | Only include deletion logs. Value may only be true , as false is the default behavior. |
sortBy | Sort the results by a given criterion. Valid values are timestamp , taskId , topicName , workerId , retries , priority , activityId , activityInstanceId , executionId , processInstanceId , processDefinitionId , processDefinitionKey and tenantId . Must be used in conjunction with the sortOrder parameter. |
sortOrder | Sort the results in a given order. Values may be asc for ascending order or desc for descending order. Must be used in conjunction with the sortBy parameter. |
firstResult | Pagination of results. Specifies the index of the first result to return. |
maxResults | Pagination of results. Specifies the maximum number of results to return. Will return less results if there are no more results left. |
A JSON array of historic external task log objects.Each historic external task log object has the following properties:
Name | Value | Description |
id | String | The id of the log entry. |
externalTaskId | String | The id of the external task. |
timestamp | String | The time when the log entry has been written. |
topicName | String | The topic name of the associated external task. |
workerId | String | The id of the worker that posessed the most recent lock. |
retries | Number | The number of retries the associated external task has left. |
priority | Number | The execution priority the external task had when the log entry was created. |
errorMessage | String | The message of the error that occurred by executing the associated external task. |
activityId | String | The id of the activity on which the associated external task was created. |
activityInstanceId | String | The id of the activity instance on which the associated external task was created. |
executionId | String | The execution id on which the associated external task was created. |
processInstanceId | String | The id of the process instance on which the associated external task was created. |
processDefinitionId | String | The id of the process definition which the associated external task belongs to. |
processDefinitionKey | String | The key of the process definition which the associated external task belongs to. |
tenantId | String | The id of the tenant that this historic external task log entry belongs to. |
creationLog | boolean | A flag indicating whether this log represents the creation of the associated external task. |
failureLog | boolean | A flag indicating whether this log represents the failed execution of the associated external task. |
successLog | boolean | A flag indicating whether this log represents the successful execution of the associated external task. |
deletionLog | boolean | A flag indicating whether this log represents the deletion of the associated external task. |
Response Codes
Code | Media type | Description |
200 | application/json | Request successful. |
400 | application/json | Returned if some of the query parameters are invalid, for example if a sortOrder parameter is supplied, but no sortBy . See the Introduction for the error response format. |
GET /history/external-task-log?externalTaskId=anExternalTaskId
"id" : "someId",
"timestamp" : "2017-01-15T15:22:20.000+0200",
"externalTaskId" : "anExternalTaskId",
"topicName" : "aTopicName",
"workerId" : "aWorkerId",
"retries" : 3,
"priority": 5,
"errorMessage" : "An error occured!",
"activityId" : "externalServiceTask",
"activityInstanceId" : "externalServiceTask:15",
"executionId" : "anExecutionId",
"processInstanceId" : "aProcessInstanceId",
"processDefinitionId" : "aProcessDefinitionId",
"processDefinitionKey" : "aProcessDefinitionKey",
"tenantId": null,
"creationLog" : false,
"failureLog" : true,
"successLog" : false,
"deletionLog" : false