Opacity Modifier

The Opacity Modifier change the opacity (alpha) value of the stroke points.

The alpha value in Grease Pencil is stored per-point,The modifier can alter these values to go from totally transparent points to totally opaque points.


../../../_images/grease-pencil_modifiers_color_opacity_panel.pngOpacity Modifier.

  • Factor
  • Controls the Opacity (Alpha) value of the stroke points.

A value of 1.0 respect the original alpha value of the points,a shift less than 1.0 make the points more transparent than originally,and a shift greater than 1.0 make the points more opaque than originally.

Sets value to 2.0 makes the points alpha fully opaque.

  • Create Materials
  • When applied, the modifier will create a new material that will keep the color transformation.
  • Mode
  • The color transformation will be applied on the stroke and/or the fill color.

Both, Stroke, Fill

Influence Filters

See Influence Filters.


Factor Opacity samples.
../../../_images/grease-pencil_modifiers_color_opacity_factor-03.pngOpacity Factor: 0.3.../../../_images/grease-pencil_modifiers_color_opacity_factor-1.pngOpacity Factor: 1.0 (original alpha).../../../_images/grease-pencil_modifiers_color_opacity_factor-2.pngOpacity Factor: 2.0 (fully opaque).