Wave Distortion Visual Effect

The Wave Distortion Visual applies a wavy effects to the object.


../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_wave-distortion_panel.pngWave Distortion Effect.

  • Direction
  • Sets horizontal or vertical direction for the waves.
  • Amplitude
  • Controls the strength and the depth of the wave.
  • Period
  • Controls the wave period. The time it takes to complete one cycle.
  • Phase
  • Shifts the wave pattern over the Object.


Wave Distortion Effect samples.
../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_wave-distortion_h10.pngAmplitude: 10 (horizontal).../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_wave-distortion_h30.pngAmplitude: 30 (horizontal).../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_wave-distortion_v10.pngAmplitude: 10 (vertical).../../_images/grease-pencil_visual-effects_wave-distortion_v30.pngAmplitude: 30 (vertical).