Active Spline


Mode:Edit Mode
Menu:Properties ‣ Curve ‣ Active Spline

The Active Spline panel is used in Edit Mode to control properties of the currently selected spline.

Common Options

  • Cyclic U
  • Closes the active spline.

../../../_images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-default.pngDefault NURBS curve.

../../../_images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-cyclic.pngA NURBS curve with Cyclic applied.

  • Resolution U
  • Alters the resolutionof each segment by changing the number of subdivisions.
  • Smooth
  • Use Smooth Shading for any 3D geometry.


../../../_images/modeling_curves_properties_data_active-spline-panel-poly.pngActive Spline panel: Poly Spline.


../../../_images/modeling_curves_properties_data_active-spline-panel-bezier.pngActive Spline panel: Bézier Spline.


One of the characteristics of a NURBS object is the knot vector.This is a sequence of numbers used to determine the influence of the control points on the curve.While you cannot edit the knot vectors directly,you can influence them through the Endpoint and Bézier options in the Active Spline panel.Note that, the Endpoint and Bézier settings only apply to open NURBS curves.

../../../_images/modeling_curves_properties_data_active-spline-panel-nurbs.pngActive Spline: NURBS Spline.

  • Cyclic U
  • See Common Options.
  • Bézier U
  • Makes the NURBS curve act like a Bézier curve.The NURBS control points act like Free handles of Bézier curve.Depending on the Order, 3 or 4 control points form one curve segment.Cyclic and Endpoint must be disabled for this option to work.
  • Endpoint U
  • Makes the curve contact the end control points. Cyclic must be disabled for this option to work.

../../../_images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-default.pngDefault NURBS curve.

../../../_images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-endpoint.pngA NURBS curve with Endpoint enabled.

  • Order U
  • The order of the NURBS curve determines the area of influence of the control points over the curve.Higher order values means that a single control point has a greaterinfluence over a greater relative proportion of the curve.The valid range of Order values is 2-6 depending on the number of control points present in the curve.

../../../_images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-default.pngNURBS curves with orders of 4.

../../../_images/modeling_curves_properties_data_nurbs-order.pngNURBS curves with orders of 2.