Make Links



Object Mode


Object ‣ Make Links



Links objects between scenes or data-blocks of the active object to all selected objects. In some case (i.e. Object Data, Modifier) the target objects must be of the same type as the active one or capable of receiving the data. If targets already have data linked to them, it will be unlinked first.

Objects to Scene

Links the selected objects into a different scene than the current one. The Link Objects to Scene in the 调整上一步操作 panel lets you choose between scenes.

This makes the same object exist in more than one scene at once, including its position and animation data. The object’s origin will change its color to reflect that.


Data-block type to link.

Object Data, Materials, Animation Data, Collection, Instance Collection, Modifiers, Fonts

  • Transfer UV Maps

    The active UV map of the selected objects will be replaced by a copy of the active UV map of the active object. If the selected object doesn’t have any UV maps, it is created. Objects must be of type mesh and must have a matching topology.

See also

生成单用户 for unlinking data-blocks.