The dogstatsd
adapter is designed to deliver Istio metric instances to alistening DataDog agent.
This adapter supports the metric template.
Configuration parameter for the DataDog adapter. These params control how Mixer telemetry is transformed and sent to a dogstatsd agent.
The adapter assumes that a dogstatsd agent is running as a sidecar or at some other endpoint that the Mixer can reach.Any dimension that is a part of the metric is converted to a tag automatically. The configuration of the DataDog agent/daemon is outside the scope of the adapter.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
address | string | Address of the dogstatsd server.Default: localhost:8125 | No |
prefix | string | Prefix to prepend to all metrics handled by the adapter. Metric “bar” with prefix “foo.” becomes “” in DataDog. In order to make sure the metrics get populated into Datadog properly and avoid any billing issues, it’s important to leave the metric prefix to its default value of ‘istio.’Default: “istio.” | No |
bufferLength | int32 | Number of individual metrics to buffer before flushing metrics to the network. When buffered, metrics are flushed every 100ms or when the buffer is filled.When buffer is 0, metrics are not buffered.Default: 0 | No |
globalTags | map<string, string> | Tags to add to every metric. “global”: “tag” becomes “global:tag” in DataDogDefault: [] | No |
sampleRate | double | Chance that any particular metric is sampled when emitted; can take the range [0, 1].Default: 1 | No |
metrics | map<string, MetricInfo> | Map of a specific metric instance name -> info. If a metric’s instance name is not in the map then the metric will not be exported to DataDog. | No |
Describes how to represent this metric in DataDog
Field | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Name of the metric in DataDog | No |
type | Type | The type of metric | No |
tags | map<string, string> | Tags to add to the metric in addition to the dimensions. “tag”: “val” becomes “tag:val” in DataDogDefault: [] | No |
Describes the type of metric
Name | Description |
UNKNOWN_TYPE | Default Unknown Type |
COUNTER | Increments a DataDog counter |
GAUGE | Sets the new value of a DataDog gauge |
DISTRIBUTION | DISTRIBUTION is converted to a Timing Histogram for metrics with a time unit and a Histogram for all other units |