
Message NameIstioProxyVersionMismatch
Message CodeIST0105
DescriptionThe version of the Istio proxy running on the pod does not match the version used by the istio injector.

This message occurs regarding a pod when:

  • Automatic sidecar injection is enabled (default enabled unless explicitlydisabled during installation.)
  • The pod is running in a namespace where sidecar injection is enabled (thenamespace has the label istio-injection=enabled)
  • The proxy version running on the sidecar does not match the version used bythe auto-injector

This often results after upgrading the Istio control plane; after upgradingIstio (which includes the sidecar injector), all running workloads with an Istiosidecar must be recreated to allow the new version of the sidecar to beinjected.

To resolve this problem, update the sidecar version by redeploying your applicationusing your normal rollout strategy. For a Kubernetes deployment:

  • If you’re using Kubernetes 1.15 or higher, you can runkubectl rollout restart <my-deployment> to trigger a new rollout.
  • Alternatively, you can modify the deployment’s template field to force a newrollout. This is often done by adding a label likeforce-redeploy=<current-timestamp> to the pod definition in the template.