Extending Self-Signed Certificate Lifetime
Istio self-signed certificates have historically had a 1 year default lifetime.If you are using Istio self-signed certificates,you need to be mindful about the expiration date of the root certificate.The expiration of a root certificate may lead to an unexpected cluster-wide outage.
To evaluate the lifetime remaining for your root certificate, please refer to the first step in theprocedure below.
The steps below show you how to transition to a new root certificate.After the transition, the new root certificate has a 10 year lifetime.Note that the Envoy instances will be hot restarted to reload the new root certificates, which may impact long-lived connections.For details about the impact and how Envoy hot restart works, please refer tohere andhere.
If you are not currently using the mutual TLS feature in Istio and will not use it in the future,you are not affected and no action is required.
If you may use the mutual TLS feature in the future, you shouldfollow the procedure below to perform a root certificate transition.
If you are currently using the mutual TLS feature in Istio with self-signed certificates,please follow the procedure and check whether you will be affected.
Root transition procedure
- Check when the root certificate expires:
Download this scripton a machine that has kubectl
access to the cluster.
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/tools/release-1.4/bin/root-transition.sh
$ chmod +x root-transition.sh
$ ./root-transition.sh check-root
Execute the remainder of the steps prior to root certificate expiration to avoid system outages.
- Check the version of your sidecars and upgrade if needed:
Some early versions of Istio sidecar could not automatically reload the new root certificate.Please run the following command to check the version of your Istio sidecars.
$ ./root-transition.sh check-version
Checking namespace: default
Istio proxy version: 1.3.5
Checking namespace: istio-system
Istio proxy version: 1.3.5
Istio proxy version: 1.3.5
If your sidecars are using versions lower than 1.0.8 and 1.1.8,please upgrade the Istio control plane and sidecars to versions no lower than 1.0.8 and 1.1.8.To upgrade, follow the Istio upgrade procedureor the procedure provided by your cloud service provider.
- Execute a root certificate transition:
During the transition, the Envoy sidecars may be hot-restarted to reload the new certificates.This may have some impact on your traffic. Please refer toEnvoy hot restartand read thisblog post for more details.
If your Pilot does not have an Envoy sidecar, consider installing one.Pilot has issues using the old root certificate to verify the new workload certificates, whichmay cause disconnection between Pilot and Envoy.Please see here for how to check for thiscondition.The Istio upgrade guideby default installs Pilot with a sidecar.
$ ./root-transition.sh root-transition
Create new ca cert, with trust domain as cluster.local
Wed Jun 5 19:11:15 PDT 2019 delete old ca secret
secret "istio-ca-secret" deleted
Wed Jun 5 19:11:15 PDT 2019 create new ca secret
secret/istio-ca-secret created
pod "istio-citadel-8574b88bcd-j7v2d" deleted
Wed Jun 5 19:11:18 PDT 2019 restarted Citadel, checking status
istio-citadel-8574b88bcd-l2g74 1/1 Running 0 3s
New root certificate:
Not Before: Jun 6 03:24:43 2019 GMT
Not After : Jun 3 03:24:43 2029 GMT
Subject: O = cluster.local
Your old certificate is stored as old-ca-cert.pem, and your private key is stored as ca-key.pem
Please save them safely and privately.
- Verify the new workload certificates are generated:
$ ./root-transition.sh verify-certs
Checking the current root CA certificate is propagated to all the Istio-managed workload secrets in the cluster.
Root cert MD5 is 8fa8229ab89122edba73706e49a55e4c
Checking namespace: default
Secret default.istio.default matches current root.
Secret default.istio.sleep matches current root.
Checking namespace: istio-system
Secret istio-system.istio.default matches current root.
=====All Istio mutual TLS keys and certificates match the current root!=====
If this command fails, wait a minute and run the command again.It takes some time for Citadel to propagate the certificates.
- Verify the new workload certificates are loaded by Envoy:
You can verify whether an Envoy has received the new certificates.The following command shows an example to check the Envoy’s certificate for a pod.
$ kubectl exec [YOUR_POD] -c istio-proxy -n [YOUR_NAMESPACE] -- curl http://localhost:15000/certs | head -c 1000
"certificates": [
"ca_cert": [
"valid_from": "2019-06-06T03:24:43Z",
"expiration_time": ...
"cert_chain": [
Please inspect the valid_from
value of the ca_cert
.If it matches the Not Before
value in the new certificate as shown in Step 3,your Envoy has loaded the new root certificate.
Why aren’t workloads picking up the new certificates (in Step 5)?
Please make sure you have updated to 1.0.8, 1.1.8 or later for the istio-proxy
sidecars in Step 2.
If you are using Istio releases 1.1.3 - 1.1.7, the Envoy may not be hot-restartedafter the new certificates are generated.
Why does Pilot not work and log “handshake error”?
This may because Pilot isnot using an Envoy sidecar,while the controlPlaneSecurity
is enabled.In this case, restart both Galley and Pilot to ensure they load the new certificates.As an example, the following commands redeploy a pod for Galley / Pilot by removing a pod.
$ kubectl delete po <galley-pod> -n istio-system
$ kubectl delete po <pilot-pod> -n istio-system
How can I check if Pilot has a sidecar?
If the following command shows 1/1
, that means your Pilot does not have an Envoy sidecar,otherwise, if it is showing 2/2
, your Pilot is using an Envoy sidecar.
$ kubectl get po -l istio=pilot -n istio-system
istio-pilot-569bc6d9c-tfwjr 1/1 Running 0 11m
Why can’t I deploy new workloads with the sidecar-injector?
This may happen if you did not upgrade to 1.0.8, 1.1.8 or later.Try to restart the sidecar injector.The sidecar injector will reload the certificate after the restart:
$ kubectl delete po -l istio=sidecar-injector -n istio-system
pod "istio-sidecar-injector-788bd8fc48-x9gdc" deleted
See also
Extending Istio Self-Signed Root Certificate Lifetime
Learn how to extend the lifetime of Istio self-signed root certificate.
Change in Secret Discovery Service in Istio 1.3
Taking advantage of Kubernetes trustworthy JWTs to issue certificates for workload instances more securely.
Istio DNS Certificate Management
Shows how to provision and manage DNS certificates in Istio.
Provision and manage DNS certificates in Istio.
Introducing the Istio v1beta1 Authorization Policy
Introduction, motivation and design principles for the Istio v1beta1 Authorization Policy.
A more secure way to manage Istio webhooks.