
Inherits: Node < Object

Inherited By: Control, Node2D

Category: Core

Brief Description

Base class of anything 2D.




void_draw ( ) virtual
floatdraw_char ( Font font, Vector2 position, String char, String next, Color modulate=Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )
voiddraw_circle ( Vector2 position, float radius, Color color )
voiddraw_colored_polygon ( PoolVector2Array points, Color color, PoolVector2Array uvs=PoolVector2Array( ), Texture texture=null, Texture normal_map=null, bool antialiased=false )
voiddraw_line ( Vector2 from, Vector2 to, Color color, float width=1.0, bool antialiased=false )
voiddraw_mesh ( Mesh mesh, Texture texture, Texture normal_map=null )
voiddraw_multiline ( PoolVector2Array points, Color color, float width=1.0, bool antialiased=false )
voiddraw_multiline_colors ( PoolVector2Array points, PoolColorArray colors, float width=1.0, bool antialiased=false )
voiddraw_multimesh ( MultiMesh multimesh, Texture texture, Texture normal_map=null )
voiddraw_polygon ( PoolVector2Array points, PoolColorArray colors, PoolVector2Array uvs=PoolVector2Array( ), Texture texture=null, Texture normal_map=null, bool antialiased=false )
voiddraw_polyline ( PoolVector2Array points, Color color, float width=1.0, bool antialiased=false )
voiddraw_polyline_colors ( PoolVector2Array points, PoolColorArray colors, float width=1.0, bool antialiased=false )
voiddraw_primitive ( PoolVector2Array points, PoolColorArray colors, PoolVector2Array uvs, Texture texture=null, float width=1.0, Texture normal_map=null )
voiddraw_rect ( Rect2 rect, Color color, bool filled=true )
voiddraw_set_transform ( Vector2 position, float rotation, Vector2 scale )
voiddraw_set_transform_matrix ( Transform2D xform )
voiddraw_string ( Font font, Vector2 position, String text, Color modulate=Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ), int clip_w=-1 )
voiddraw_style_box ( StyleBox style_box, Rect2 rect )
voiddraw_texture ( Texture texture, Vector2 position, Color modulate=Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ), Texture normal_map=null )
voiddraw_texture_rect ( Texture texture, Rect2 rect, bool tile, Color modulate=Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ), bool transpose=false, Texture normal_map=null )
voiddraw_texture_rect_region ( Texture texture, Rect2 rect, Rect2 src_rect, Color modulate=Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ), bool transpose=false, Texture normal_map=null, bool clip_uv=true )
voidforce_update_transform ( )
RIDget_canvas ( ) const
RIDget_canvas_item ( ) const
Transform2Dget_canvas_transform ( ) const
Vector2get_global_mouse_position ( ) const
Transform2Dget_global_transform ( ) const
Transform2Dget_global_transform_with_canvas ( ) const
Vector2get_local_mouse_position ( ) const
Transform2Dget_transform ( ) const
Rect2get_viewport_rect ( ) const
Transform2Dget_viewport_transform ( ) const
World2Dget_world_2d ( ) const
voidhide ( )
boolis_local_transform_notification_enabled ( ) const
boolis_set_as_toplevel ( ) const
boolis_transform_notification_enabled ( ) const
boolis_visible_in_tree ( ) const
Vector2make_canvas_position_local ( Vector2 screen_point ) const
InputEventmake_input_local ( InputEvent event ) const
voidset_as_toplevel ( bool enable )
voidset_notify_local_transform ( bool enable )
voidset_notify_transform ( bool enable )
voidshow ( )
voidupdate ( )


  • draw ( )

Emitted when the CanvasItem must redraw. This can only be connected realtime, as deferred will not allow drawing.

  • hide ( )

Emitted when becoming hidden.

  • item_rect_changed ( )

Emitted when the item rect has changed.

  • visibility_changed ( )

Emitted when the visibility (hidden/visible) changes.


enum BlendMode:

  • BLEND_MODE_MIX = 0 — Mix blending mode. Colors are assumed to be independent of the alpha (opacity) value.
  • BLEND_MODE_ADD = 1 — Additive blending mode.
  • BLEND_MODE_SUB = 2 — Subtractive blending mode.
  • BLEND_MODE_MUL = 3 — Multiplicative blending mode.
  • BLEND_MODE_PREMULT_ALPHA = 4 — Mix blending mode. Colors are assumed to be premultiplied by the alpha (opacity) value.
  • BLEND_MODE_DISABLED = 5 — Disable blending mode. Colors including alpha are written as-is. Only applicable for render targets with a transparent background. No lighting will be applied.


  • NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED = 29 — The CanvasItem’s transform has changed. This notification is only received if enabled by set_notify_transform or set_notify_local_transform.
  • NOTIFICATION_DRAW = 30 — The CanvasItem is requested to draw.
  • NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED = 31 — The CanvasItem’s visibility has changed.
  • NOTIFICATION_ENTER_CANVAS = 32 — The CanvasItem has entered the canvas.
  • NOTIFICATION_EXIT_CANVAS = 33 — The CanvasItem has exited the canvas.


Base class of anything 2D. Canvas items are laid out in a tree; children inherit and extend their parent’s transform. CanvasItem is extended by Control for anything GUI-related, and by Node2D for anything related to the 2D engine.

Any CanvasItem can draw. For this, update must be called, then NOTIFICATION_DRAW will be received on idle time to request redraw. Because of this, canvas items don’t need to be redrawn on every frame, improving the performance significantly. Several functions for drawing on the CanvasItem are provided (see draw_* functions). However, they can only be used inside the Object._notification, signal or _draw virtual functions.

Canvas items are drawn in tree order. By default, children are on top of their parents so a root CanvasItem will be drawn behind everything. This behavior can be changed on a per-item basis.

A CanvasItem can also be hidden, which will also hide its children. It provides many ways to change parameters such as modulation (for itself and its children) and self modulation (only for itself), as well as its blend mode.

Ultimately, a transform notification can be requested, which will notify the node that its global position changed in case the parent tree changed.


Property Descriptions

  • int light_mask

The rendering layers in which this CanvasItem responds to Light2D nodes. Default value: 1.


The material applied to textures on this CanvasItem. Default value: null.


The color applied to textures on this CanvasItem. Default value: Color(1, 1, 1, 1) (opaque “white”).


The color applied to textures on this CanvasItem. This is not inherited by children CanvasItems. Default value: Color(1, 1, 1, 1) (opaque “white”)..

  • bool show_behind_parent

If true, the object draws behind its parent. Default value: false.

If true, the object draws on top of its parent. Default value: true.

  • bool use_parent_material

If true, the parent CanvasItem’s material property is used as this one’s material. Default value: false.


If true, this CanvasItem is drawn. Default value: true. For controls that inherit Popup, the correct way to make them visible is to call one of the multiple popup*() functions instead.

Method Descriptions

  • void _draw ( ) virtual

Called (if exists) to draw the canvas item.

Draws a string character using a custom font. Returns the advance, depending on the character width and kerning with an optional next character.

Draws a colored circle.

Draws a colored polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.

Draws a line from a 2D point to another, with a given color and width. It can be optionally antialiased.

Draws multiple, parallel lines with a uniform color. width and antialiased are currently not implemented and have no effect.

Draws multiple, parallel lines with a uniform width, segment-by-segment coloring, and optional antialiasing. Colors assigned to line segments match by index between points and colors.

Draws a polygon of any amount of points, convex or concave.

Draws interconnected line segments with a uniform color and width and optional antialiasing.

Draws interconnected line segments with a uniform width, segment-by-segment coloring, and optional antialiasing. Colors assigned to line segments match by index between points and colors.

Draws a custom primitive. 1 point for a point, 2 points for a line, 3 points for a triangle and 4 points for a quad.

Draws a colored rectangle.

Sets a custom transform for drawing via components. Anything drawn afterwards will be transformed by this.

Sets a custom transform for drawing via matrix. Anything drawn afterwards will be transformed by this.

Draws a string using a custom font.

Draws a styled rectangle.

Draws a texture at a given position.

Draws a textured rectangle at a given position, optionally modulated by a color. If transpose is true, the texture will have its X and Y coordinates swapped.

Draws a textured rectangle region at a given position, optionally modulated by a color. If transpose is true, the texture will have its X and Y coordinates swapped.

  • void force_update_transform ( )

  • RID get_canvas ( ) const

Returns the RID of the World2D canvas where this item is in.

  • RID get_canvas_item ( ) const

Returns the canvas item RID used by VisualServer for this item.

Get the transform matrix of this item’s canvas.

  • Vector2 get_global_mouse_position ( ) const

Get the global position of the mouse.

Get the global transform matrix of this item.

  • Transform2D get_global_transform_with_canvas ( ) const

Get the global transform matrix of this item in relation to the canvas.

  • Vector2 get_local_mouse_position ( ) const

Get the mouse position relative to this item’s position.

Get the transform matrix of this item.

  • Rect2 get_viewport_rect ( ) const

Get the viewport’s boundaries as a Rect2.

Get this item’s transform in relation to the viewport.

Get the World2D where this item is in.

  • void hide ( )

Hide the CanvasItem if it’s currently visible.

  • bool is_local_transform_notification_enabled ( ) const

Returns true if local transform notifications are communicated to children.

  • bool is_set_as_toplevel ( ) const

Returns true if the node is set as top-level. See set_as_toplevel.

  • bool is_transform_notification_enabled ( ) const

Returns true if global transform notifications are communicated to children.

  • bool is_visible_in_tree ( ) const

Returns true if the node is present in the SceneTree, its visible property is true and its inherited visibility is also true.

Assigns screen_point as this node’s new local transform.

Transformations issued by event’s inputs are applied in local space instead of global space.

  • void set_as_toplevel ( bool enable )

If enable is true, the node won’t inherit its transform from parent canvas items.

  • void set_notify_local_transform ( bool enable )

If enable is true, children will be updated with local transform data.

  • void set_notify_transform ( bool enable )

If enable is true, children will be updated with global transform data.

  • void show ( )

Show the CanvasItem if it’s currently hidden. For controls that inherit Popup, the correct way to make them visible is to call one of the multiple popup*() functions instead.

  • void update ( )

Queue the CanvasItem for update. NOTIFICATION_DRAW will be called on idle time to request redraw.