
📄️ SADDAdd one or more members to a set

📄️ SADDEXAdd one or more expiring members to a set

📄️ SCARDGet the number of members in a set

📄️ SDIFFSubtract multiple sets

📄️ SDIFFSTORESubtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key

📄️ SINTERIntersect multiple sets

📄️ SINTERSTOREIntersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key

📄️ SISMEMBERDetermine if a given value is a member of a set

📄️ SMEMBERSGet all the members in a set

📄️ SMISMEMBERReturns the membership associated with the given elements for a set

📄️ SMOVEMove a member from one set to another

📄️ SPOPRemove and return one or multiple random members from a set

📄️ SREMRemove one or more members from a set

📄️ SSCANIncrementally iterate Set elements

📄️ SUNIONAdd multiple sets

📄️ SUNIONSTOREAdd multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key