📄️ HDELDelete one or more hash fields
📄️ HEXISTSDetermine if a hash field exists
📄️ HGETGet the value of a hash field
📄️ HGETALLGet all the fields and values in a hash
📄️ HINCRBYIncrement the integer value of a hash field by the given number
📄️ HINCRBYFLOATIncrement the float value of a hash field by the given amount
📄️ HKEYSGet all the fields in a hash
📄️ HLENGet the number of fields in a hash
📄️ HMGETGet the values of all the given hash fields
📄️ HMSETSet multiple hash fields to multiple values
📄️ HRANDFIELDGet one or multiple random fields from a hash
📄️ HSCANIncrementally iterate hash fields and associated values
📄️ HSETSet the string value of a hash field
📄️ HSETEXSet the string value and the ttl of a hash field
📄️ HSETNXSet the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist