Server management
📄️ AUTHAuthenticate to the server
📄️ BGSAVEAsynchronously save the dataset to disk
📄️ CLIENT GETNAMEGet the current connection name
📄️ CLIENT LISTGet the list of client connections
📄️ CLIENT SETNAMESet the current connection name
📄️ CLIENTA container for client connection commands
📄️ COMMAND COUNTGet total number of Dragonfly commands
📄️ COMMANDGet array of Dragonfly command details
📄️ CONFIG RESETSTATReset the stats returned by INFO
📄️ CONFIGA container for server configuration commands
📄️ DBSIZEReturn the number of keys in the selected database
📄️ DEBUGA container for debugging commands
📄️ FLUSHALLRemove all keys from all databases
📄️ FLUSHDBRemove all keys from the current database
📄️ HELLOHandshake with Dragonfly
📄️ INFOGet information and statistics about the server
📄️ LASTSAVEGet the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk
📄️ MEMORY HELPShow helpful text about the different subcommands
📄️ MEMORY MALLOC-STATSShow allocator internal stats
📄️ MEMORYA container for memory diagnostics commands
📄️ MONITORListen for all requests received by the server in real time
📄️ REPLCONFAn internal command for configuring the replication stream
📄️ REPLICAOFMake the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master.
📄️ ROLEReturn the role of the instance in the context of replication
📄️ SAVESynchronously save the dataset to disk
📄️ SELECTChange the selected database for the current connection
📄️ SHUTDOWNSynchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server