书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.017 秒,为您找到 35 个相关结果.
  • Map Literals

    411 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    Map literal syntax - #: and #:: Require clojure spec in the namepace of page. Qualifying keys with auto-resolve Qualifying keywords with a specific name Map literal syntax...
  • Add Spec to Projects

    544 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    Add Spec to Clojure Projects Using Spec functions Testing specifications Using Spec functions Creating new projects Hint::new alias in practicalli/clojure-deps Add Spec to...
  • Emacs Spacemacs

    653 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    Emacs and Spacemacs user guide Starting a Clojure REPL Evaluating code Changing the REPL Namespace Hint::Practicalli Spacemacs Emacs and Spacemacs user guide A simplified u...
  • Configure REPL Startup

    762 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    Configure REPL on Startup HINT:: Example project Create a dev/user.clj file and :dev alias Hint::Using the dev/ directory Requiring namespaces Calling functions Changing N...
  • REBL data browser

    1177 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    REBL data browser WARNING::Free for non-commercial use Install REBL Hint::REBL alias included in practicalli/clojure-deps-edn repository Running REBL with a project REBL da...
  • Contributing

    660 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    Contributing to Practicalli Clojure Pull requests Thank you to everyone that has contributed Contributing to Practicalli Clojure practicalli/clojure-practicalli-content cont...
  • Configuration files

    793 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    deps.edn Configuration files Hint::practicalli/clojure-deps-edn adds common aliases and tools Scope of configuration files Example of a deps.edn configuration. Hint::Clojure Too...
  • Spec in the REPL

    538 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    Using Clojure Spec in the REPL Hint::Rebel Alias in practicalli/clojure-deps Spec auto-completion Check data conforms to the specification Try examples in the REPL Using Cl...
  • Card Game

    719 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    Card game: spec and generative testing Create a project Hint::Use practicalli/clojure-deps-edn to add common tools Add the Clojure spec namespace Representing playing cards Re...
  • Introduction

    1391 2020-06-21 《Practicalli Clojure》
    References Discussions and feedback Warning::Book re-write in progress Hint::Quote: Adrian Cockcroft. Cloud Architect, Netflix Creative commons license Clojure is a simpl...