Clojure spec Purpose of Clojure spec Example use cases Example code Understanding the basics of Clojure Spec Trying clojure.spec Why is the spec library called alpha? Referen...
Creating Clojure projects Hint::Install clj-new and other aliases Create a project with clj-new and the app template Hint::Install rebel and other aliases NOTE::Try the proje...
Defining aliases to do more with Clojure tools Hint::practicalli/clojure-deps-edn adds common aliases and tools Using an alias Hint::Only one main namespace An alias for a comm...
Create a Leiningen project Hint::Alternatively clone the github repository Updating Clojure version and licence TODO::Add Clojure CLI project configuration Create a Leininge...
clojure.spec adds documentation to function definitions clojure.spec adds documentation to function definitions Using doc to show the spec ( ns practicalli . clojure (: r...
Emacs and Spacemacs Install Emacs and Spacemacs Install Spacemacs is a community configuration bringing Emacs and Vim together. Spacemacs uses a mnemonic menu system that m...
Literal values Literal values Sets can be used as predicate functions returning true if the value is within the set Checking valid playing cards Define a namespace for the pa...
Does a value conform to a specification? Require the Clojure spec library Using conform Does a value conform to a specification? clojure.spec.alpha/conform takes two argumen...
Editor User Guides - The Basics Using Vim Editor User Guides - The Basics We would like you to spend as much of your time at the workshop learning Clojure, so here are some gu...