Higher order functions Higher order functions Higher order functions are common in Clojure and spec provides fspec to support spec’ing them. ( defn value - added - tax [ ...
TicTacToe on the command line Game overview Info:: TicTacToe on the command line A TicTacToe game that you run on the command line. The game takes input from a human player...
Writing Games with Clojure TODO::work in progress, sorry Hint::Games in ClojureScript Writing Games with Clojure TODO::work in progress, sorry Pull requests are welcome ...
Install Clojure Tools Clojure aware editors Hint::Other tools Install Clojure Tools Clojure CLI tools provide a simple and configurable way to: Evaluate Clojure expressions...
Composing Specifications Individual specifications Composing hash-map specification Composing Specifications No spec is an island Composing individual specifications is an e...
Basic Command Line REPL UI Hint::rebel readline feature rich repl Basic Command Line REPL UI The clojure command will start a REPL by default or if given the --repl argument...
Is the value valid? Require the Clojure spec library Using valid? using custom predicate functions Is the value valid? clojure.spec.alpha/valid? takes two arguments a spe...
Coding in the REPL Hint::Use an Editor for Clojure Development Evaluating code Including code from a file Hint::Workflow regardless of tooling Clojure projects Coding in t...