
Generated when Syncthing ends synchronizing a file to a newer version. A successful operation:

  1. {
  2. "id": 93,
  3. "globalID": 93,
  4. "type": "ItemFinished",
  5. "time": "2014-07-13T21:22:03.414609034+02:00",
  6. "data": {
  7. "item": "test.txt",
  8. "folder": "default",
  9. "error": null,
  10. "type": "file",
  11. "action": "update"
  12. }
  13. }

An unsuccessful operation:

  1. {
  2. "id": 44,
  3. "globalID": 44,
  4. "type": "ItemFinished",
  5. "time": "2015-05-27T11:21:05.711133004+02:00",
  6. "data": {
  7. "action": "update",
  8. "error": "open /Users/jb/src/ permission denied",
  9. "folder": "default",
  10. "item": "foo/hej",
  11. "type": "file"
  12. }
  13. }

The action field is either update (contents changed), metadata (file metadata changed but not contents), or delete.

New in version 0.11.10: The metadata action.