Fixme work in progress
Recursion is used greatly in Clojure to iterate through data and as anything can be treated as data in Clojure you can understand why.
The constructs available in Clojure for recursion include
- Named function that calls itself
, etc.for
Recursively calling the same function
Lets iterate though a collection using recursion by writing a function that calls itself
(defn recursively-use-a-collection [collection]
(println (first collection))
(if (empty? collection)
(print-str "no more values to process")
(recursively-use-a-collection (rest collection))))
(recursively-use-a-collection [1 2 3])
Lets take this recursive approach to create a function that can tell us the length of a collection (list or vector)
We define a function that takes a collection of an argument. The collection is tested to see if it is empty and if so a zero value is returned. If the collection is not empty, then we
(defn length [collection]
(if (empty? collection)
(+ 1 (length (rest collection)))))
;; => #'clojure-through-code.01-basics/length
If we call the length
function with an empty collection, then the empty?
condition will return true and the if
expression will evaluate the first expression, 0, returning 0.
(length [])
;; => 0
If we call the length
function with a collection containing 3 values, then the empty?
function will return false
and the if
function will evaluate the second expression.
The second expression starts with a simple counter, using the +
function and the value one
(length [0 1 2])
;; => 3
(+ 1 (length [1 2]))
(+ 1 (+ 1 (length [2])))
(+ 1 (+ 1 (+ 1 (length []))))
(+ 1 (+ 1 (+ 1 0)))
(length (range 24))
;; => 24
(defn length [collection] (kk))
Further recursion examples
Other functions to consider
- every
- accumulating / accumulative
- keep