map with fn - anonymous function
TODO::work in progress, sorry
(map (fn [arg] (+ arg 5)) [1 2 3 4 5])
There is a syntactic short-cut for the anonymous function that does not require a name for the arguments
#(+ %1 5)
Adding this into our previous expression we can see that its still quite readable and helps keep the code clean.
(map #(+ arg 5) [1 2 3 4 5])
Hint::anonymous function naming
Anonymous functions can not be referred to by name and must be used in-line with an expression. The
function can be given a name, however, this is only available in the scope of that function definition, it cannot be used to refer to that function definintion outside of that defninition. The name assingment within afn
definition enables the function to call itself, therefore creating an anonymous recursive function.
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