
Parallel CRD provides a way to easily define a list of branches, each receiving the same CloudEvent sent to the Parallel ingress channel. Typically, each branch consists of a filter function guarding the execution of the branch.

Parallel creates Channels and Subscriptions under the hood.


Parallel Spec

Parallel has three parts for the Spec:

  1. branches defines the list of filter and subscriber pairs, one per branch, and optionally a reply object. For each branch:
  2. (optional) the filter is evaluated and when it returns an event the subscriber is executed. Both filter and subscriber must be Addressable.
  3. the event returned by the subscriber is sent to the branch reply object. When the reply is empty, the event is sent to the spec.reply object.
  4. (optional) channelTemplate defines the Template which will be used to create Channels.
  5. (optional) reply defines where the result of each branch is sent to when the branch does not have its own reply object.

Parallel Status

Parallel has three parts for the Status:

  1. conditions which details the overall status of the Parallel object
  2. ingressChannelStatus and branchesStatuses which convey the status of underlying Channel and Subscription resource that are created as part of this Parallel.
  3. address which is exposed so that Parallel can be used where Addressable can be used. Sending to this address will target the Channel which is fronting this Parallel (same as ingressChannelStatus).


Learn how to use Parallel by following the examples