
Inherits: Resource < Reference < Object

Inherited By: AnimationNodeAdd2, AnimationNodeAdd3, AnimationNodeBlend2, AnimationNodeBlend3, AnimationNodeOneShot, AnimationNodeOutput, AnimationNodeTimeScale, AnimationNodeTimeSeek, AnimationNodeTransition, AnimationRootNode

Base resource for AnimationTree nodes.


Base resource for AnimationTree nodes. In general, it’s not used directly, but you can create custom ones with custom blending formulas.

Inherit this when creating nodes mainly for use in AnimationNodeBlendTree, otherwise AnimationRootNode should be used instead.







add_input ( String name )


blend_animation ( String animation, float time, float delta, bool seeked, float blend )


blend_input ( int input_index, float time, bool seek, float blend, FilterAction filter=0, bool optimize=true )


blend_node ( String name, AnimationNode node, float time, bool seek, float blend, FilterAction filter=0, bool optimize=true )


get_caption ( ) virtual


get_child_by_name ( String name ) virtual


get_child_nodes ( ) virtual


get_input_count ( ) const


get_input_name ( int input )


get_parameter ( String name ) const


get_parameter_default_value ( String name ) virtual


get_parameter_list ( ) virtual


has_filter ( ) virtual


is_path_filtered ( NodePath path ) const


process ( float time, bool seek ) virtual


remove_input ( int index )


set_filter_path ( NodePath path, bool enable )


set_parameter ( String name, Variant value )


  • removed_from_graph ( )

Emitted when the node was removed from the graph.

  • tree_changed ( )

Emitted by nodes that inherit from this class and that have an internal tree when one of their nodes changes. The nodes that emit this signal are AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D, AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D, AnimationNodeStateMachine, and AnimationNodeBlendTree.


enum FilterAction:

  • FILTER_IGNORE = 0 —- Do not use filtering.

  • FILTER_PASS = 1 —- Paths matching the filter will be allowed to pass.

  • FILTER_STOP = 2 —- Paths matching the filter will be discarded.

  • FILTER_BLEND = 3 —- Paths matching the filter will be blended (by the blend value).

Property Descriptions

  • bool filter_enabled





If true, filtering is enabled.

Method Descriptions

  • void add_input ( String name )

Adds an input to the node. This is only useful for nodes created for use in an AnimationNodeBlendTree.

Blend an animation by blend amount (name must be valid in the linked AnimationPlayer). A time and delta may be passed, as well as whether seek happened.

Blend an input. This is only useful for nodes created for an AnimationNodeBlendTree. The time parameter is a relative delta, unless seek is true, in which case it is absolute. A filter mode may be optionally passed (see FilterAction for options).

Blend another animation node (in case this node contains children animation nodes). This function is only useful if you inherit from AnimationRootNode instead, else editors will not display your node for addition.

  • String get_caption ( ) virtual

Gets the text caption for this node (used by some editors).

Gets a child node by index (used by editors inheriting from AnimationRootNode).

Gets all children nodes in order as a name: node dictionary. Only useful when inheriting AnimationRootNode.

  • int get_input_count ( ) const

Amount of inputs in this node, only useful for nodes that go into AnimationNodeBlendTree.

Gets the name of an input by index.

Gets the value of a parameter. Parameters are custom local memory used for your nodes, given a resource can be reused in multiple trees.

Gets the default value of a parameter. Parameters are custom local memory used for your nodes, given a resource can be reused in multiple trees.

  • Array get_parameter_list ( ) virtual

Gets the property information for parameter. Parameters are custom local memory used for your nodes, given a resource can be reused in multiple trees. Format is similar to Object.get_property_list.

  • String has_filter ( ) virtual

Returns true whether you want the blend tree editor to display filter editing on this node.

Returns whether the given path is filtered.

  • void process ( float time, bool seek ) virtual

User-defined callback called when a custom node is processed. The time parameter is a relative delta, unless seek is true, in which case it is absolute.

Here, call the blend_input, blend_node or blend_animation functions. You can also use get_parameter and set_parameter to modify local memory.

This function should return the time left for the current animation to finish (if unsure, pass the value from the main blend being called).

  • void remove_input ( int index )

Removes an input, call this only when inactive.

Adds or removes a path for the filter.

Sets a custom parameter. These are used as local memory, because resources can be reused across the tree or scenes.