The pg_trigger
system catalog table stores triggers on tables.
Greenplum Database does not support triggers.
column | type | references | description |
tgrelid | oid | pg_class.oid Note that Greenplum Database does not enforce referential integrity. | The table this trigger is on. |
tgname | name | Trigger name (must be unique among triggers of same table). | |
tgfoid | oid | pg_proc.oid Note that Greenplum Database does not enforce referential integrity. | The function to be called. |
tgtype | int2 | Bit mask identifying trigger conditions. | |
tgenabled | boolean | True if trigger is enabled. | |
tgisinternal | boolean | True if trigger is internally generated (usually, to enforce the constraint identified by tgconstraint). | |
tgconstrrelid | oid | pg_class.oid Note that Greenplum Database does not enforce referential integrity. | The table referenced by an referential integrity constraint. |
tgconstrindid | oid | pg_class.oid | The index supporting a unique, primary key, or referential integrity constraint. |
tgconstraint | oid | pg_constraint.oid | The pg_constraint entry associated with the trigger, if any. |
tgdeferrable | boolean | True if deferrable. | |
tginitdeferred | boolean | True if initially deferred. | |
tgnargs | int2 | Number of argument strings passed to trigger function. | |
tgattr | int2vector | Currently not used. | |
tgargs | bytea | Argument strings to pass to trigger, each NULL-terminated. | |
tgqual | pg_node_tree | Expression tree (in nodeToString() representation) for the trigger’s WHEN condition, or null if none. |
Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions