
Inherits: SpatialGizmo < Reference < Object

Custom gizmo for editing Spatial objects.


Custom gizmo that is used for providing custom visualization and editing (handles) for 3D Spatial objects. See EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin for more information.



add_collision_segments ( PoolVector3Array segments )


add_collision_triangles ( TriangleMesh triangles )


add_handles ( PoolVector3Array handles, Material material, bool billboard=false, bool secondary=false )


add_lines ( PoolVector3Array lines, Material material, bool billboard=false, Color modulate=Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )


add_mesh ( ArrayMesh mesh, bool billboard=false, SkinReference skeleton=null, Material material=null )


add_unscaled_billboard ( Material material, float default_scale=1, Color modulate=Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )


clear ( )


commit_handle ( int index, Variant restore, bool cancel=false ) virtual


get_handle_name ( int index ) virtual


get_handle_value ( int index ) virtual


get_plugin ( ) const


get_spatial_node ( ) const


is_handle_highlighted ( int index ) virtual


redraw ( ) virtual


set_handle ( int index, Camera camera, Vector2 point ) virtual


set_hidden ( bool hidden )


set_spatial_node ( Node node )

Method Descriptions

Adds the specified segments to the gizmo’s collision shape for picking. Call this function during redraw.

Adds collision triangles to the gizmo for picking. A TriangleMesh can be generated from a regular Mesh too. Call this function during redraw.

Adds a list of handles (points) which can be used to deform the object being edited.

There are virtual functions which will be called upon editing of these handles. Call this function during redraw.

Adds lines to the gizmo (as sets of 2 points), with a given material. The lines are used for visualizing the gizmo. Call this function during redraw.

Adds a mesh to the gizmo with the specified billboard state, skeleton and material. If billboard is true, the mesh will rotate to always face the camera. Call this function during redraw.

  • void add_unscaled_billboard ( Material material, float default_scale=1, Color modulate=Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) )

Adds an unscaled billboard for visualization. Call this function during redraw.

  • void clear ( )

Removes everything in the gizmo including meshes, collisions and handles.

  • void commit_handle ( int index, Variant restore, bool cancel=false ) virtual

Commit a handle being edited (handles must have been previously added by add_handles).

If the cancel parameter is true, an option to restore the edited value to the original is provided.

  • String get_handle_name ( int index ) virtual

Gets the name of an edited handle (handles must have been previously added by add_handles).

Handles can be named for reference to the user when editing.

Gets actual value of a handle. This value can be anything and used for eventually undoing the motion when calling commit_handle.

Returns the EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin that owns this gizmo. It’s useful to retrieve materials using EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin.get_material.

  • Spatial get_spatial_node ( ) const

Returns the Spatial node associated with this gizmo.

  • bool is_handle_highlighted ( int index ) virtual

Returns true if the handle at index index is highlighted by being hovered with the mouse.

  • void redraw ( ) virtual

This function is called when the Spatial this gizmo refers to changes (the Spatial.update_gizmo is called).

This function is used when the user drags a gizmo handle (previously added with add_handles) in screen coordinates.

The Camera is also provided so screen coordinates can be converted to raycasts.

  • void set_hidden ( bool hidden )

Sets the gizmo’s hidden state. If true, the gizmo will be hidden. If false, it will be shown.

  • void set_spatial_node ( Node node )

Sets the reference Spatial node for the gizmo. node must inherit from Spatial.