Override default behavior APIs
5.2. Override default behavior APIs
- NoAutoTime()
No auto timestamp for Created and Updated fields for INSERT and UPDATE
- NoCache()
Disable cache lookup
- NoAutoCondition()
Disable auto generate condition from bean. For example:
engine.Where("name = ?", "lunny").Get(&User{ID:1})
// SELECT * FROM user where name='lunny' AND id = 1 LIMIT 1
engine.Where("name = ?", "lunny").NoAutoCondition().Get(&User{ID:1})
// SELECT * FROM user where name='lunny' LIMIT 1
- UseBool(…string)
xorm’s default behavior is fields with 0, “”, nil, false, will not be used during query or update, use this method to explicit specify bool type fields for query or update
- Cascade(bool)
Do cascade lookup for associations