(for the most up to date version see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tRc0MzvRdGK7EbG2LRW8vSyoxKhR_EvRUz3AQRyFZso/edit?pli=1)
- native ES6 import, export and System.import
- Tree Shaking for ES6
- Needs Promise polyfill in old browsers
- chunk error handling
- Many plugins now take options objects instead of multiple parameters
- config can be a function and —env
- Removed deprecated argument configs (except with one argument shortcut if possible)
- loaders now match resourcePath instead of resource with query
- webpack config can return a Promise
- -p sets NODE_ENV = “production”
- the uglifyjs plugin no longer minimize other assets
- there is the LoaderOptionsPlugin now
- webpackfile.js is now also supported
- added HashedModuleIdsPlugin
- documentation
beta: end 2013, stable: early 2014
- Bugfixes
- updates to loaders
0.11 - 0.12
- Hot Code Replacement
- Some more cool features