commands detail - w
wc -l
gc c:\temp\file.txt | measure-object | select count
to show the number of non-blank lines:
gc c:\temp\file.txt | measure-object -line
This shows user that you are logged on as:
[Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() | select name
whence or type
There isn’t a single equivalent to the unix whence
command, but there are a couple of things worth mentioning.
This shows the sort of thing (exe, bat, alias, function) that you’re looking at:
get-command whoami
CommandType Name ModuleName
----------- ---- ----------
Application whoami.exe
….and if what you’re looking for is a file in your path, then this will find it
foreach ($FOLDER in $ENV:PATH.split(";") ) { dir $FOLDER\whoami.exe -ea Si | select fullname }
This splits the path into its constituent folders, then does a dir to see if
the file (in this case I’m looking for whoami.exe) exists in each.