This statement shows a list of variables for the scope of either GLOBAL or SESSION. If no scope is specified, the default scope of SESSION will apply.









List all TiDB specific variables. For detailed description, refer to System Variables.

  1. mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'tidb%';
  2. +-------------------------------------+---------------------+
  3. | Variable_name | Value |
  4. +-------------------------------------+---------------------+
  5. | tidb_allow_batch_cop | 0 |
  6. | tidb_allow_remove_auto_inc | 0 |
  7. | tidb_auto_analyze_end_time | 23:59 +0000 |
  8. | tidb_auto_analyze_ratio | 0.5 |
  9. | tidb_auto_analyze_start_time | 00:00 +0000 |
  10. | tidb_backoff_lock_fast | 100 |
  11. | tidb_backoff_weight | 2 |
  12. | tidb_batch_commit | 0 |
  13. | tidb_batch_delete | 0 |
  14. | tidb_build_stats_concurrency | 4 |
  15. | tidb_capture_plan_baselines | off |
  16. | tidb_check_mb4_value_in_utf8 | 1 |
  17. | tidb_checksum_table_concurrency | 4 |
  18. | tidb_config | |
  19. | tidb_constraint_check_in_place | 0 |
  20. | tidb_current_ts | 0 |
  21. | tidb_ddl_error_count_limit | 512 |
  22. | tidb_ddl_reorg_batch_size | 256 |
  23. | tidb_ddl_reorg_priority | PRIORITY_LOW |
  24. | tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt | 4 |
  25. | tidb_disable_txn_auto_retry | 1 |
  26. | tidb_distsql_scan_concurrency | 15 |
  27. | tidb_dml_batch_size | 20000 |
  28. | tidb_enable_cascades_planner | 0 |
  29. | tidb_enable_chunk_rpc | 1 |
  30. | tidb_enable_collect_execution_info | 1 |
  31. | tidb_enable_fast_analyze | 0 |
  32. | tidb_enable_index_merge | 0 |
  33. | tidb_enable_noop_functions | 0 |
  34. | tidb_enable_radix_join | 0 |
  35. | tidb_enable_slow_log | 1 |
  36. | tidb_enable_stmt_summary | 1 |
  37. | tidb_enable_table_partition | on |
  38. | tidb_enable_vectorized_expression | 1 |
  39. | tidb_enable_window_function | 1 |
  40. | tidb_evolve_plan_baselines | off |
  41. | tidb_evolve_plan_task_end_time | 23:59 +0000 |
  42. | tidb_evolve_plan_task_max_time | 600 |
  43. | tidb_evolve_plan_task_start_time | 00:00 +0000 |
  44. | tidb_expensive_query_time_threshold | 60 |
  45. | tidb_force_priority | NO_PRIORITY |
  46. | tidb_general_log | 0 |
  47. | tidb_hash_join_concurrency | 5 |
  48. | tidb_hashagg_final_concurrency | 4 |
  49. | tidb_hashagg_partial_concurrency | 4 |
  50. | tidb_index_join_batch_size | 25000 |
  51. | tidb_index_lookup_concurrency | 4 |
  52. | tidb_index_lookup_join_concurrency | 4 |
  53. | tidb_index_lookup_size | 20000 |
  54. | tidb_index_serial_scan_concurrency | 1 |
  55. | tidb_init_chunk_size | 32 |
  56. | tidb_isolation_read_engines | tikv, tiflash, tidb |
  57. | tidb_low_resolution_tso | 0 |
  58. | tidb_max_chunk_size | 1024 |
  59. | tidb_max_delta_schema_count | 1024 |
  60. | tidb_mem_quota_hashjoin | 34359738368 |
  61. | tidb_mem_quota_indexlookupjoin | 34359738368 |
  62. | tidb_mem_quota_indexlookupreader | 34359738368 |
  63. | tidb_mem_quota_mergejoin | 34359738368 |
  64. | tidb_mem_quota_nestedloopapply | 34359738368 |
  65. | tidb_mem_quota_query | 1073741824 |
  66. | tidb_mem_quota_sort | 34359738368 |
  67. | tidb_mem_quota_topn | 34359738368 |
  68. | tidb_metric_query_range_duration | 60 |
  69. | tidb_metric_query_step | 60 |
  70. | tidb_opt_agg_push_down | 0 |
  71. | tidb_opt_concurrency_factor | 3 |
  72. | tidb_opt_copcpu_factor | 3 |
  73. | tidb_opt_correlation_exp_factor | 1 |
  74. | tidb_opt_correlation_threshold | 0.9 |
  75. | tidb_opt_cpu_factor | 3 |
  76. | tidb_opt_desc_factor | 3 |
  77. | tidb_opt_disk_factor | 1.5 |
  78. | tidb_opt_distinct_agg_push_down | 0 |
  79. | tidb_opt_insubq_to_join_and_agg | 1 |
  80. | tidb_opt_join_reorder_threshold | 0 |
  81. | tidb_opt_memory_factor | 0.001 |
  82. | tidb_opt_network_factor | 1 |
  83. | tidb_opt_scan_factor | 1.5 |
  84. | tidb_opt_seek_factor | 20 |
  85. | tidb_opt_write_row_id | 0 |
  86. | tidb_optimizer_selectivity_level | 0 |
  87. | tidb_pprof_sql_cpu | 0 |
  88. | tidb_projection_concurrency | 4 |
  89. | tidb_query_log_max_len | 4096 |
  90. | tidb_record_plan_in_slow_log | 1 |
  91. | tidb_replica_read | leader |
  92. | tidb_retry_limit | 10 |
  93. | tidb_row_format_version | 2 |
  94. | tidb_scatter_region | 0 |
  95. | tidb_skip_isolation_level_check | 0 |
  96. | tidb_skip_utf8_check | 0 |
  97. | tidb_slow_log_threshold | 300 |
  98. | tidb_slow_query_file | tidb-slow.log |
  99. | tidb_snapshot | |
  100. | tidb_stmt_summary_history_size | 24 |
  101. | tidb_stmt_summary_internal_query | 0 |
  102. | tidb_stmt_summary_max_sql_length | 4096 |
  103. | tidb_stmt_summary_max_stmt_count | 3000 |
  104. | tidb_stmt_summary_refresh_interval | 1800 |
  105. | tidb_store_limit | 0 |
  106. | tidb_txn_mode | |
  107. | tidb_use_plan_baselines | on |
  108. | tidb_wait_split_region_finish | 1 |
  109. | tidb_wait_split_region_timeout | 300 |
  110. | tidb_window_concurrency | 4 |
  111. +-------------------------------------+---------------------+
  112. 108 rows in set (0.01 sec)
  113. mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'time_zone%';
  114. +---------------+--------+
  115. | Variable_name | Value |
  116. +---------------+--------+
  117. | time_zone | SYSTEM |
  118. +---------------+--------+
  119. 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL compatibility

The SHOW [GLOBAL|SESSION] VARIABLES statement in TiDB is fully compatible with MySQL. If you find any compatibility differences, report a bug.

See also