- Basic Exercises
- Retrieve everything
- Retrieve specific columns from a table
- Control which rows are retrieved
- Control which rows are retrieved - part 2
- Basic string searches
- Matching against multiple possible values
- Classify results into buckets
- Working with dates
- Removing duplicates, and ordering results
- Combining results from multiple queries
- Simple aggregation
- More aggregation
Basic Exercises
This category deals with the basics of SQL. It covers select and where clauses,case expressions, unions, and a few other odds and ends.
Retrieve everything
Retrieve all information from facilities table.
- SELECT * FROM facilities
- # By default, when no fields are explicitly passed to select(), all fields
- # will be selected.
- query = Facility.select()
Retrieve specific columns from a table
Retrieve names of facilities and cost to members.
- SELECT name, membercost FROM facilities;
- query = Facility.select(Facility.name, Facility.membercost)
- # To iterate:
- for facility in query:
- print(facility.name)
Control which rows are retrieved
Retrieve list of facilities that have a cost to members.
- SELECT * FROM facilities WHERE membercost > 0
- query = Facility.select().where(Facility.membercost > 0)
Control which rows are retrieved - part 2
Retrieve list of facilities that have a cost to members, and that fee is lessthan 1/50th of the monthly maintenance cost. Return id, name, cost andmonthly-maintenance.
- SELECT facid, name, membercost, monthlymaintenance
- FROM facilities
- WHERE membercost > 0 AND membercost < (monthlymaintenance / 50)
- query = (Facility
- .select(Facility.facid, Facility.name, Facility.membercost,
- Facility.monthlymaintenance)
- .where(
- (Facility.membercost > 0) &
- (Facility.membercost < (Facility.monthlymaintenance / 50))))
Basic string searches
How can you produce a list of all facilities with the word ‘Tennis’ in theirname?
- SELECT * FROM facilities WHERE name ILIKE '%tennis%';
- query = Facility.select().where(Facility.name.contains('tennis'))
- # OR use the exponent operator. Note: you must include wildcards here:
- query = Facility.select().where(Facility.name ** '%tennis%')
Matching against multiple possible values
How can you retrieve the details of facilities with ID 1 and 5? Try to do itwithout using the OR operator.
- SELECT * FROM facilities WHERE facid IN (1, 5);
- query = Facility.select().where(Facility.facid.in_([1, 5]))
- # OR:
- query = Facility.select().where((Facility.facid == 1) |
- (Facility.facid == 5))
Classify results into buckets
How can you produce a list of facilities, with each labelled as ‘cheap’ or‘expensive’ depending on if their monthly maintenance cost is more than $100?Return the name and monthly maintenance of the facilities in question.
- SELECT name,
- CASE WHEN monthlymaintenance > 100 THEN 'expensive' ELSE 'cheap' END
- FROM facilities;
- cost = Case(None, [(Facility.monthlymaintenance > 100, 'expensive')], 'cheap')
- query = Facility.select(Facility.name, cost.alias('cost'))
See documentation Case
for more examples.
Working with dates
How can you produce a list of members who joined after the start of September2012? Return the memid, surname, firstname, and joindate of the members inquestion.
- SELECT memid, surname, firstname, joindate FROM members
- WHERE joindate >= '2012-09-01';
- query = (Member
- .select(Member.memid, Member.surname, Member.firstname, Member.joindate)
- .where(Member.joindate >= datetime.date(2012, 9, 1)))
Removing duplicates, and ordering results
How can you produce an ordered list of the first 10 surnames in the memberstable? The list must not contain duplicates.
- SELECT DISTINCT surname FROM members ORDER BY surname LIMIT 10;
- query = (Member
- .select(Member.surname)
- .order_by(Member.surname)
- .limit(10)
- .distinct())
Combining results from multiple queries
You, for some reason, want a combined list of all surnames and all facilitynames.
- SELECT surname FROM members UNION SELECT name FROM facilities;
- lhs = Member.select(Member.surname)
- rhs = Facility.select(Facility.name)
- query = lhs | rhs
Queries can be composed using the following operators:
Simple aggregation
You’d like to get the signup date of your last member. How can you retrievethis information?
- SELECT MAX(join_date) FROM members;
- query = Member.select(fn.MAX(Member.joindate))
- # To conveniently obtain a single scalar value, use "scalar()":
- # max_join_date = query.scalar()
More aggregation
You’d like to get the first and last name of the last member(s) who signed up- not just the date.
- SELECT firstname, surname, joindate FROM members
- WHERE joindate = (SELECT MAX(joindate) FROM members);
- # Use "alias()" to reference the same table multiple times in a query.
- MemberAlias = Member.alias()
- subq = MemberAlias.select(fn.MAX(MemberAlias.joindate))
- query = (Member
- .select(Member.firstname, Member.surname, Member.joindate)
- .where(Member.joindate == subq))