Provided Indicators
All Micronaut provided health indicators are exposed on /health and /health/readiness endpoints.
Disk Space
A health indicator is provided that determines the health of the application based on the amount of free disk space. Configuration for the disk space health indicator can be provided under the
Disk Space Indicator Configuration Example
enabled: Boolean
path: String #The file path used to determine the disk space
threshold: String | Long #The minimum amount of free space
The threshold can be provided as a string like “10MB” or “200KB”, or the number of bytes.
The JDBC health indicator determines the health of your application based on the ability to successfully create connections to datasources in the application context. The only configuration option supported is to enable or disable the indicator by the
Discovery Client
If your application uses service discovery, a health indicator is included to monitor the health of the discovery client. The data returned can include a list of the services available.