LaTeX, which is pronounced «Lah-tech» or «Lay-tech», is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. It is most often used for medium-to-large technical or scientific documents but it can be used for almost any form of publishing.
When installing LaTex, two following options are given to users.
- Install MacTeX with builtin editor (TexLive) - (2GB)
- Install BasicTeX only (100MB) + your personal LaTeX editor
MacTeX vs BasicTeX
MacTeX includes additional programs such as an editor and a BibTeX reference manager that help users to work with TeX outside of the command line. BasicTeX does not include these GUI programs. The trade-off that comes with using BasicTeX is that you will have to download and install additional packages and programs as the need arises- and BasicTeX is so basic that the need will arise. So, after installing BasicTeX you will be faced with the tasks of installing additional programs and installing missing packages.
Option 1
Download MacTex.
For more details about MacTex click here.
Since MaxTex installs an LaTex editor (TexMaker) already, installing another LaTeX editor is unnecessary.
Option 2
Download BasicTeX.
For more details about BasicTex click Here.
Now you should pick a LaTeX editor, here are some to choose from: