
An array is defined by: [n]<type>, where (n) is the length of the array and<type> is the stuff you want to store. To assign or index an element in thearray, you use square brackets:

  1. var arr [10]int
  2. arr[0] = 42
  3. arr[1] = 13
  4. fmt.Printf("The first element is %d\n", arr[0])

Array types like var arr [10]int have a fixed size. The size is part of thetype. They can’t grow, because then they would have a different type. Alsoarrays are values: Assigning one array to another copies all the elements. Inparticular, if you pass an array to a function it will receive a copy of thearray, not a pointer to it.

To declare an array you can use the following: vara [3]int. To initialize it to something other than zero, use acomposite literal a := [3]int{1, 2, 3}. This can be shortened to a := […]int{1, 2, 3}, where Go counts the elements automatically.

A composite literal allows youto assign a value directly to an array, slice, or map.See for more information.

When declaring arrays you always have to type something in between the squarebrackets, either a number or three dots (), when using a composite literal.When using multidimensional arrays, you can use the following syntax: a :=[2][2]int{ {1,2}, {3,4} }. Now that you know about arrays you will be delightedto learn that you will almost never use them in Go, because there is somethingmuch more flexible: slices.