Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

With Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, Kubernetes automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment, or replica set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with alpha support, on some other, application-provided metrics).

The current stable version, which only includes support for CPU autoscaling, can be found in the autoscaling/v1 API version. The alpha version, which includes support for scaling on memory and custom metrics, can be found in autoscaling/v2beta1 (and autoscaling/v2beta2 in 1.12 and later).

kOps can assist in setting up HPA. Relevant reading you will need to go through:

While the above links go into details on how Kubernetes needs to be configured to work with HPA, a lot of that work is already done for you by kOps. Specifically:

  • Enable the Aggregation Layer via the following kube-apiserver flags:
  • --requestheader-client-ca-file=<path to aggregator CA cert>
  • --requestheader-allowed-names=aggregator
  • --requestheader-extra-headers-prefix=X-Remote-Extra-
  • --requestheader-group-headers=X-Remote-Group
  • --requestheader-username-headers=X-Remote-User
  • --proxy-client-cert-file=<path to aggregator proxy cert>
  • --proxy-client-key-file=<path to aggregator proxy key>
  • Enable Horizontal Pod Scaling … set the appropriate flags for kube-controller-manager:
  • --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-use-rest-clients should be true.
  • --kubeconfig <path-to-kubeconfig>

Cluster Configuration

Support For Multiple Metrics

To enable the resource metrics API for scaling on CPU and memory, install metrics-server (installation instruction here). The compatibility matrix is as follows:

Metrics ServerMetrics API group/versionSupported Kubernetes version

Support For Custom Metrics

To enable the custom metrics API, register it via the API aggregation layer. If you’re using Prometheus, checkout the custom metrics adapter for Prometheus.