Extended documentation for mathematical symbols & functions is here.
symbol | meaning |
@m | invoke macro m ; followed by space-separated expressions |
! | prefix “not” (logical negation) operator |
a!( ) | at the end of a function name, ! is used as a convention to indicate that a function modifies its argument(s) |
# | begin single line comment |
#= | begin multi-line comment (these are nestable) |
=# | end multi-line comment |
$ | string and expression interpolation |
% | remainder operator |
^ | exponent operator |
& | bitwise and |
&& | short-circuiting boolean and |
| | bitwise or |
|| | short-circuiting boolean or |
⊻ | bitwise xor operator |
* | multiply, or matrix multiply |
() | the empty tuple |
~ | bitwise not operator |
\ | backslash operator |
‘ | complex transpose operator Aᴴ |
a[] | array indexing (calling getindex or setindex! ) |
[,] | vector literal constructor (calling vect ) |
[;] | vertical concatenation (calling vcat or hvcat ) |
[ ] | with space-separated expressions, horizontal concatenation (calling hcat or hvcat ) |
T{ } | parametric type instantiation |
; | statement separator |
, | separate function arguments or tuple components |
? | 3-argument conditional operator (used like: conditional ? if_true : if_false ) |
“” | delimit string literals |
‘’ | delimit character literals |
| delimit external process (command) specifications |
… | splice arguments into a function call or declare a varargs function |
. | access named fields in objects/modules (calling getproperty or setproperty! ), also prefixes elementwise function calls (calling broadcast ) |
a:b | range a, a+1, a+2, …, b |
a:s:b | range a, a+s, a+2s, …, b |
: | index an entire dimension (firstindex:lastindex), see Colon ) |
:: | type annotation or typeassert , depending on context |
:( ) | quoted expression |
:a | symbol a |
<: | subtype operator |
>: | supertype operator (reverse of subtype operator) |
=== | egal comparison operator |