Mixer Policies and Telemetry (Deprecated)

Describes how to configure Mixer’s policy and telemetry features.

Mixer Configuration Model (Deprecated)

Describes the configuration model for Istio’s policy enforcement and telemetry mechanisms.

Attribute Vocabulary (Deprecated)

Describes the base attribute vocabulary used for policy and control.

Expression Language

Mixer configuration expression language reference.

Mixer Adapters (Deprecated)

Mixer adapters allow Istio to interface to a variety of infrastructure backends for such things as metrics and logs.

Default Metrics

Default Metrics exported from Istio through Mixer.


Mixer templates are used to send data to individual adapters.

Mixer Client

Configuration state for the Mixer client library.


Describes the rules used to configure Mixer’s policy and telemetry features.

Mixer is deprecated. The functionality provided by Mixer is being moved into the Envoy proxies. Use of Mixer with Istio will only be supported through the 1.7 release of Istio.

Please refer to Telemetry V2 which replaces Mixer telemetry.