Prepare to get module archive
Module archive is in the directory:inlong-sort-standalone/sort-standalone-dist/target/, the archive file is apache-inlong-sort-standalone-${project.version}-bin.tar.gz.
Start inlong-sort-standalone application
- Decompress the archive file;
- Prepare conf/ (and other config files if choosing local file config mode);
- Start SortStandalone
- You can check the log file “sort.log”.
Configuration file:conf/
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
clusterId | Y | NA | inlong-sort-standalone cluster id |
sortSource.type | N | org.apache.inlong.sort.standalone.source.readapi.SortSdkSource | Source class name |
sortChannel.type | N | | Channel class name |
sortSink.type | N | org.apache.inlong.sort.standalone.sink.hive.HiveSink | Sink class name |
sortClusterConfig.type | Y | manager | ClusterConfig configuration type. File config mode please choose: file |
sortSourceConfig.QueryConsumeConfigType | Y | manager | SourceConfig configuration type. File config mode please choose: file |
sortClusterConfig.file | N | SortClusterConfig.conf | Sort cluster config file name. Required in file config type. |
managerUrlLoaderType | N | org.apache.inlong.sort.standalone.config.loader.CommonPropertiesManagerUrlLoader | The type of manager url loader. Required in manager config type. |
sortClusterConfig.managerUrl | N | http://${manager_ip}:{manager_port}/inlong/manager/openapi/sort/getClusterConfig | The manager config interface to cluster config. Required in manager config type. |
sortSourceConfig.managerUrl | N | http://${manager_ip}:{manager_port}/inlong/manager/openapi/sort/getSortSource | The manager config interface to sort source config. Required in manager config mode. |
eventFormatHandler | N | org.apache.inlong.sort.standalone.sink.hive.DefaultEventFormatHandler | Formatter class name |
maxThreads | N | 10 | sink thread number |
reloadInterval | N | 60000 | interval updating Configuration data(millisecond) |
processInterval | N | 100 | interval processing data(millisecond) |
metricDomains | N | Sort | domain name of metric |
metricDomains.Sort.domainListeners | N | org.apache.inlong.sort.standalone.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusMetricListener | class name list of metric listener, separated by space |
prometheusHttpPort | N | 8080 | HTTP server port of prometheus simple client |
metricDomains.Sort.snapshotInterval | N | 60000 | interval snapshoting metric data(millisecond) |
The SortClusterConfig can be acquired from local file or manager, depending on the sortClusterConfig.type configured in
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
clusterName | Y | NA | inlong-sort-standalone cluster id |
sortTasks | Y | NA | Sort task list |
Sort Task includes idParams and sinkParams which represent the config of stream and dataNode respectively
The idParams and sinkParams are totally different among each type of sort tasks. There are two examples of hive task and pulsar task
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
name | Y | NA | sort task name |
type | Y | NA | sort task type, for example:HIVE(“hive”), TUBE(“tube”), KAFKA(“kafka”), PULSAR(“pulsar”), ElasticSearch(“ElasticSearch”), UNKNOWN(“n”) |
idParams | Y | NA | List of Inlong DataStream configuration |
sinkParams | Y | NA | Sort task parameters |
idParams content of Hive sort task
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
inlongGroupId | Y | NA | inlongGroupId |
inlongStreamId | Y | NA | inlongStreamId |
separator | Y | NA | separator |
partitionIntervalMs | N | 3600000 | partition interval(millisecond) |
idRootPath | Y | NA | HDFS root path of Inlong DataStream |
partitionSubPath | Y | NA | partition sub path of Inlong DataStream |
hiveTableName | Y | NA | Hive table name of Inlong DataStream |
partitionFieldName | N | dt | partition field name of Inlong DataStream |
partitionFieldPattern | Y | NA | Date format of partition field value, the type have {yyyyMMdd},{yyyyMMddHH},{yyyyMMddHHmm} |
msgTimeFieldPattern | Y | NA | Date format of message generation time, it support Java date format |
maxPartitionOpenDelayHour | N | 8 | Max delay hour of partition(hour) |
sinkParams content of Hive sort task
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
hdfsPath | Y | NA | NameNode URL of HDFS |
maxFileOpenDelayMinute | N | 5 | Max writing delay minute of simple HDFS file(minute) |
tokenOvertimeMinute | N | 60 | token overtime of Inlong Data Stream(minute) |
maxOutputFileSizeGb | N | 2 | Max file size of simple HDFS file(GB) |
hiveJdbcUrl | Y | NA | JDBC URL of Hive |
hiveDatabase | Y | NA | Hive database |
hiveUsername | Y | NA | Hive username |
hivePassword | Y | NA | Hive password |
idParams content of Pulsar sort task
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
inlongGroupId | Y | NA | inlongGroupId |
inlongStreamId | Y | NA | inlongStreamId |
topic | Y | NA | Topic of MQ |
sinkParams content of Pulsar sort task
Parameter | Required | DefaultValue | Remark |
serviceUrl | Y | NA | Pulsar service URL |
authentication | Y | NA | Pulsar authentication |
enableBatching | N | true | enableBatching |
batchingMaxBytes | N | 5242880 | batchingMaxBytes |
batchingMaxMessages | N | 3000 | batchingMaxMessages |
batchingMaxPublishDelay | N | 1 | batchingMaxPublishDelay |
maxPendingMessages | N | 1000 | maxPendingMessages |
maxPendingMessagesAcrossPartitions | N | 50000 | maxPendingMessagesAcrossPartitions |
sendTimeout | N | 0 | sendTimeout |
compressionType | N | NONE | compressionType |
blockIfQueueFull | N | true | blockIfQueueFull |
roundRobinRouterBatchingPartitionSwitchFrequency | N | 10 | roundRobinRouterBatchingPartitionSwitchFrequency |