hawq config

Sets server configuration parameters on all nodes (master and segments) for HAWQ systems that are managed using command-line utilities.

Note: If you install and manage HAWQ using Ambari, do not use hawq config to configure HAWQ properties. Ambari will overwrite any changes that were made by hawq config when it restarts the cluster. For Ambari-managed HAWQ clusters, always use the Ambari administration interface to set or change HAWQ configuration properties.


  1. hawq config -c <hawq_property> | --change <hawq_property>
  2. -v <hawq_property_value> | --value <hawq_property_value>
  3. [--skipvalidation] [--ignore-bad-hosts]
  4. hawq config -r <hawq_property> | --remove <hawq_property>
  5. [--skipvalidation] [--ignore-bad-hosts]
  6. hawq config -l | --list
  7. [--ignore-bad-hosts]
  8. hawq config -s <hawq_property> | --show <hawq_property>
  9. [--ignore-bad-hosts]
  10. hawq config --help


The hawq config utility allows you to set, unset, or view configuration properties from the hawq-site.xml files of all instances in your HAWQ system.

Note: The hawq config utility makes configuration properties identical and consistent across all nodes, including the master and segments. Using the utility will override any unique configurations that were defined manually in hawq-site.xml.

hawq config can only be used to manage specific properties. For example, you cannot use it to set properties such as port, which is required to be distinct for every segment instance. Use the -l (list) option to see a complete list of configuration properties supported by hawq config.

When hawq config sets a configuration property in a hawq_site.xml file, the new property setting always displays at the bottom of the file. When you use hawq config to remove a configuration property setting, hawq config comments out the property in all hawq-site.xml files, thereby restoring the system default setting. For example, if you use hawq configto remove (comment out) a property and later add it back (set a new value), there will be two instances of the property; one that is commented out, and one that is enabled and inserted at the bottom of the hawq-site.xml file.

After setting a property, you must restart your HAWQ system or reload the hawq-site.xml file for the change to take effect. Whether you require a restart or a reload depends on the property being set. To reload the configuration files, use hawq stop cluster -u. To restart the system, use hawq restart .

To show the currently set values for a property across the system, use the -s option.

hawq config uses the following environment variables to connect to the HAWQ master instance and obtain system configuration information:



-c, —change <hawq_property>

Changes a HAWQ property setting by adding the new setting to the bottom of the hawq-site.xml files.

-v, —value <hawq_property_value>

Set the value of the HAWQ property setting in the hawq-site.xml files.

-r, —remove <hawq_property>

Removes a HAWQ property setting by commenting out the entry in the hawq-site.xml files.

-s, —show <hawq_property>

Shows the value for a HAWQ property name used on all instances (master and segments) in the HAWQ system. If there is a discrepancy in a parameter value between segment instances, the hawq config utility displays an error message. Note that the hawq config utility reads property values directly from the database, and not the hawq-site.xml file. If you are using hawq config to set properties across all segments, then running hawq config -s to verify the changes, you might still see the previous (old) values. You must reload the configuration files (hawq stop cluster -u) or restart the system (hawq restart) for changes to take effect.

-l, —list

Lists all HAWQ property settings supported by the hawq config utility.


Overrides the system validation checks of hawq config and allows you to operate on any server property, including hidden parameters and restricted parameters that cannot be changed by hawq config. Do not modify hidden or restricted parameters unless you are aware of all potential consequences.


Overrides copying configuration files to a host on which SSH validation fails. If ssh to a skipped host is reestablished, make sure the configuration files are re-synched once it is reachable.

-h, —help

Displays the online help.


Set the max_connections setting to 100:

  1. $ hawq config -c max_connections -v 100

Comment out all instances of the default_statistics_target property, and restore the system default:

  1. $ hawq config -r default_statistics_target

List all properties supported by hawq config:

  1. $ hawq config -l

Show the values of a particular property across the system:

  1. $ hawq config -s max_connections

See Also

hawq stop