


有关示例, 请参见 Menu

new MenuItem(可选)

  • 参数 Object

    • click Function (可选) - 当菜单项被点击后,将会调用 click(menuItem, browserWindow, event)

    • role String (optional) - Can be undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, pasteandmatchstyle, delete, selectall, reload, forcereload, toggledevtools, resetzoom, zoomin, zoomout, togglefullscreen, window, minimize, close, help, about, services, hide, hideothers, unhide, quit, startspeaking, stopspeaking, close, minimize, zoom, front, appMenu, fileMenu, editMenu, viewMenu or windowMenu - Define the action of the menu item, when specified the click property will be ignored. See roles.
    • typeString (可选)-可以是 normalseparatorsubmenucheckboxradio
    • label String (可选)
    • sublabel String (可选)
    • accelerator Accelerator (可选)
    • icon (NativeImage | String) (可选)
    • enabled Boolean (可选) - 如果为 false,该菜单项将会置灰且不可点击。
    • acceleratorWorksWhenHidden Boolean (optional) - default is true, and when false will prevent the accelerator from triggering the item if the item is not visible`. macOS
    • visibleBoolean (可选)-如果为 false, 该菜单项将完全隐藏。
    • checkedBoolean (可选)-只应为 checkboxradio 类型菜单项指定。
    • registerAccelerator Boolean (可选) - 如果为 false, accelerator 不会被系统注册, 但仍然会被显示. 默认值为 true。
    • submenu (MenuItemConstructorOptions[] | Menu) (optional) - Should be specified for submenu type menu items. If submenu is specified, the type: 'submenu' can be omitted. If the value is not a Menu then it will be automatically converted to one using Menu.buildFromTemplate.
    • idString (可选)-在单个菜单中是唯一的。如果定义, 则可以通过它来引用该项。
    • before String - Inserts this item before the item with the specified label. If the referenced item doesn't exist the item will be inserted at the end of the menu. Also implies that the menu item in question should be placed in the same “group” as the item.
    • after String - Inserts this item after the item with the specified label. If the referenced item doesn't exist the item will be inserted at the end of the menu.
    • beforeGroupContaining String - Provides a means for a single context menu to declare the placement of their containing group before the containing group of the item with the specified label.
    • afterGroupContaining String - Provides a means for a single context menu to declare the placement of their containing group after the containing group of the item with the specified label.Note: acceleratorWorksWhenHidden is specified as being macOS-only because accelerators always work when items are hidden on Windows and Linux. The option is exposed to users to give them the option to turn it off, as this is possible in native macOS development. This property is only usable on macOS High Sierra 10.13 or newer.



最好给任何一个菜单指定 role去匹配一个标准角色, 而不是尝试在 click 函数中手动实现该行为。 内置的 role 行为将提供最佳的原生体验。

使用 role 时, labelaccelerator 值是可选的, 并为每个平台,将默认为适当值。

Every menu item must have either a role, label, or in the case of a separator a type.

role 属性可以具有以下值:

  • 撤消
  • 重做
  • cut
  • copy
  • paste
  • pasteAndMatchStyle
  • selectAll
  • delete
  • minimize - 最小化当前窗口。
  • close - 关闭当前窗口.
  • quit - Quit the application.
  • reload - 重新加载当前窗口。
  • forcereload - 忽略缓存,重新加载当前窗口。
  • toggledevtools - 在当前窗口中隐藏/显示开发者工具。
  • toggleFullScreen - Toggle full screen mode on the current window.
  • resetzoom - 将主页的缩放级别重置为初始大小.
  • zoomin - 主页面放大 10%.
  • zoomout -主页面缩小 10%.
  • fileMenu - Whole default "File" menu (Close / Quit)
  • editMenu-默认的 "编辑" 菜单 (包括撤消、复制等)
  • viewMenu - Whole default "View" menu (Reload, Toggle Developer Tools, etc.)
  • windowMenu - Whole default "Window" menu (Minimize, Zoom, etc.).以下为macOS 中提供的角色:

  • appMenu - Whole default "App" menu (About, Services, etc.)

  • about-映射到 orderFrontStandardAboutPanel 操作.
  • hide-映射到 hide 操作.
  • hideOthers-映射到 hideOtherApplications 操作.
  • unhide-映射到 unhideAllApplications 操作.
  • startSpeaking-映射到 startSpeaking 操作.
  • stopSpeaking-映射到 stopSpeaking 操作.
  • front-映射到 arrangeInFront 操作.
  • zoom-映射到 performZoom 操作.
  • toggleTabBar-映射到 toggleTabBar 操作.
  • selectNextTab - 映射到 selectNextTab 操作.
  • selectPreviousTab - 映射到 selectPreviousTab 操作.
  • mergeAllWindows - 映射到 mergeAllWindows 操作.
  • moveTabToNewWindow - 映射到 moveTabToNewWindow 操作.
  • window - 这个子菜单是"Window" 菜单.
  • help-这个子菜单是 "Help" 菜单.
  • services - The submenu is a "Services" menu. This is only intended for use in the Application Menu and is not the same as the "Services" submenu used in context menus in macOS apps, which is not implemented in Electron.
  • recentDocuments-这个子菜单是 "Open Recent" 菜单.
  • clearRecentDocuments -映射到 clearRecentDocuments 操作.在 macOS 上指定 role 时, labelaccelerator 是影响菜单项的唯一选项。 所有其它选项都将被忽略。 不过,仍然支持小写的role,如toggledevtools

Nota Bene: The enabled and visibility properties are not available for top-level menu items in the tray on MacOS.


以下为 MenuItem 实例的可用属性:


A String indicating the item's unique id, this property can be dynamically changed.


A String indicating the item's visible label, this property can be dynamically changed.


A Function that is fired when the MenuItem receives a click event. It can be called with menuItem.click(event, focusedWindow, focusedWebContents).


A Menu (optional) containing the menu item's submenu, if present.


A String indicating the type of the item.


A String (optional) indicating the item's role, if set. Can be undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, pasteandmatchstyle, delete, selectall, reload, forcereload, toggledevtools, resetzoom, zoomin, zoomout, togglefullscreen, window, minimize, close, help, about, services, hide, hideothers, unhide, quit, startspeaking, stopspeaking, close, minimize, zoom, front, appMenu, fileMenu, editMenu, viewMenu or windowMenu


A String (optional) indicating the item's accelerator, if set.


A NativeImage | String (optional) indicating the item's icon, if set.


A String indicating the item's sublabel, this property can be dynamically changed.


一个 Boolean 类型的值, 指示是否启用该项, 该属性可以动态改变


一个 Boolean 类型的值, 指示该项是否可见, 该属性可以动态改变。


一个 Boolean 类型的值, 指示是否选中该项, 该属性可以动态改变。

checkbox 菜单项将在选中时切换 checked 的开关属性。

单选菜单项 将返回单击时checked属性, 并将关闭同一菜单中所有相邻项的属性。



A Boolean indicating if the accelerator should be registered with the system or just displayed, this property can be dynamically changed.


A Number indicating an item's sequential unique id.


A Menu that the item is a part of.