Publishing & subscribing messages with Cloudevents
Learn why Dapr uses CloudEvents, how they work in Dapr pub/sub, and how to create CloudEvents.
To enable message routing and provide additional context with each message, Dapr uses the CloudEvents 1.0 specification as its message format. Any message sent by an application to a topic using Dapr is automatically wrapped in a CloudEvents envelope, using the Content-Type header value for datacontenttype
Dapr uses CloudEvents to provide additional context to the event payload, enabling features like:
- Tracing
- Deduplication by message Id
- Content-type for proper deserialization of event data
CloudEvents example
Dapr implements the following CloudEvents fields when creating a message topic.
The following example demonstrates an orders
topic message sent by Dapr that includes a W3C traceid
unique to the message, the data
and the fields for the CloudEvent where the data content is serialized as JSON.
"topic": "orders",
"pubsubname": "order_pub_sub",
"traceid": "00-113ad9c4e42b27583ae98ba698d54255-e3743e35ff56f219-01",
"tracestate": "",
"data": {
"orderId": 1
"id": "5929aaac-a5e2-4ca1-859c-edfe73f11565",
"specversion": "1.0",
"datacontenttype": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"source": "checkout",
"type": "com.dapr.event.sent",
"traceparent": "00-113ad9c4e42b27583ae98ba698d54255-e3743e35ff56f219-01"
As another example of a v1.0 CloudEvent, the following shows data as XML content in a CloudEvent message serialized as JSON:
"specversion" : "1.0",
"type" : "xml.message",
"source" : "",
"subject" : "Test XML Message",
"id" : "id-1234-5678-9101",
"time" : "2020-09-23T06:23:21Z",
"datacontenttype" : "text/xml",
"data" : "<note><to>User1</to><from>user2</from><message>hi</message></note>"
Publish your own CloudEvent
If you want to use your own CloudEvent, make sure to specify the datacontenttype as application/cloudevents+json
Publish a CloudEvent to the orders
dapr publish --publish-app-id orderprocessing --pubsub order-pub-sub --topic orders --data '{"specversion" : "1.0", "type" : "com.dapr.cloudevent.sent", "source" : "testcloudeventspubsub", "subject" : "Cloud Events Test", "id" : "someCloudEventId", "time" : "2021-08-02T09:00:00Z", "datacontenttype" : "application/cloudevents+json", "data" : {"orderId": "100"}}'
Publish a CloudEvent to the orders
curl -X POST http://localhost:3601/v1.0/publish/order-pub-sub/orders -H "Content-Type: application/cloudevents+json" -d '{"specversion" : "1.0", "type" : "com.dapr.cloudevent.sent", "source" : "testcloudeventspubsub", "subject" : "Cloud Events Test", "id" : "someCloudEventId", "time" : "2021-08-02T09:00:00Z", "datacontenttype" : "application/cloudevents+json", "data" : {"orderId": "100"}}'
Publish a CloudEvent to the orders
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -ContentType 'application/cloudevents+json' -Body '{"specversion" : "1.0", "type" : "com.dapr.cloudevent.sent", "source" : "testcloudeventspubsub", "subject" : "Cloud Events Test", "id" : "someCloudEventId", "time" : "2021-08-02T09:00:00Z", "datacontenttype" : "application/cloudevents+json", "data" : {"orderId": "100"}}' -Uri 'http://localhost:3601/v1.0/publish/order-pub-sub/orders'
Next steps
- Learn why you might not want to use CloudEvents
- Try out the pub/sub Quickstart
- List of pub/sub components
- Read the API reference
Last modified June 23, 2022: Merge pull request #2550 from ItalyPaleAle/cosmosdb-harcoded-dapr-version (cf03237)