Azure Events Hub
Detailed documentation on the Azure Event Hubs pubsub component
Component format
To setup Azure Event Hubs pubsub create a component of type
. See this guide on how to create and apply a pubsub configuration.
kind: Component
name: eventhubs-pubsub
namespace: default
version: v1
- name: connectionString
value: "Endpoint=sb://{EventHubNamespace};SharedAccessKeyName={PolicyName};SharedAccessKey={Key};EntityPath={EventHub}"
- name: storageAccountName
value: "myeventhubstorage"
- name: storageAccountKey
value: "112233445566778899"
- name: storageContainerName
value: "myeventhubstoragecontainer"
The above example uses secrets as plain strings. It is recommended to use a secret store for the secrets as described here.
Spec metadata fields
Field | Required | Details | Example |
connectionString | Y | Connection-string for the Event Hubs | “Endpoint=sb://{EventHubNamespace};SharedAccessKeyName={PolicyName};SharedAccessKey={Key};EntityPath={EventHub}” |
storageAccountName | Y | Storage account name to use for the EventProcessorHost | “myeventhubstorage” |
storageAccountKey | Y | Storage account key to use for the EventProcessorHost. Can be secretKeyRef to use a secret reference | “112233445566778899” |
storageContainerName | Y | Storage container name for the storage account name. | “myeventhubstoragecontainer” |
Create an Azure Event Hub
Follow the instructions here on setting up Azure Event Hubs. Since this implementation uses the Event Processor Host, you will also need an Azure Storage Account. Follow the instructions here to manage the storage account access keys.
See here on how to get the Event Hubs connection string. Note this is not the Event Hubs namespace.
Create consumer groups for each subscriber
For every Dapr app that wants to subscribe to events, create an Event Hubs consumer group with the name of the dapr id
. For example, a Dapr app running on Kubernetes with "myapp"
will need an Event Hubs consumer group named myapp
Note: Dapr passes the name of the Consumer group to the EventHub and so this is not supplied in the metadata.
Related links
- Basic schema for a Dapr component
- Read this guide for instructions on configuring pub/sub components
- Pub/Sub building block
Last modified May 26, 2021: Update to point to 1.2 (#1518) (c690379)