Logarithmic Axis

The logarithmic scale is used to chart numerical data. It can be placed on either the x or y-axis. As the name suggests, logarithmic interpolation is used to determine where a value lies on the axis.

Configuration Options

Common options to all cartesian axes

Namespace: options.scales[scaleId]

boundsstring‘ticks’Determines the scale bounds. more…
positionstring | objectPosition of the axis. more…
stackstringStack group. Axes at the same position with same stack are stacked.
stackWeightnumber1Weight of the scale in stack group. Used to determine the amount of allocated space for the scale within the group.
axisstringWhich type of axis this is. Possible values are: ‘x’, ‘y’. If not set, this is inferred from the first character of the ID which should be ‘x’ or ‘y’.
offsetbooleanfalseIf true, extra space is added to the both edges and the axis is scaled to fit into the chart area. This is set to true for a bar chart by default.
titleobjectScale title configuration. more…

Common options to all axes

Namespace: options.scales[scaleId]

typestringType of scale being employed. Custom scales can be created and registered with a string key. This allows changing the type of an axis for a chart.
alignToPixelsbooleanfalseAlign pixel values to device pixels.
backgroundColorColorBackground color of the scale area.
borderobjectBorder configuration. more…
displayboolean|stringtrueControls the axis global visibility (visible when true, hidden when false). When display: ‘auto’, the axis is visible only if at least one associated dataset is visible.
gridobjectGrid line configuration. more…
minnumberUser defined minimum number for the scale, overrides minimum value from data. more…
maxnumberUser defined maximum number for the scale, overrides maximum value from data. more…
reversebooleanfalseReverse the scale.
stackedboolean|stringfalseShould the data be stacked. more…
suggestedMaxnumberAdjustment used when calculating the maximum data value. more…
suggestedMinnumberAdjustment used when calculating the minimum data value. more…
ticksobjectTick configuration. more…
weightnumber0The weight used to sort the axis. Higher weights are further away from the chart area.

Tick Configuration

Logarithmic Axis specific options

Namespace: options.scales[scaleId].ticks

formatobjectThe Intl.NumberFormatLogarithmic Axis - 图1 (opens new window) options used by the default label formatter

Common tick options to all cartesian axes

Namespace: options.scales[scaleId].ticks

alignstring‘center’The tick alignment along the axis. Can be ‘start’, ‘center’, ‘end’, or ‘inner’. inner alignment means align start for first tick and end for the last tick of horizontal axis
crossAlignstring‘near’The tick alignment perpendicular to the axis. Can be ‘near’, ‘center’, or ‘far’. See Tick Alignment
sampleSizenumberticks.lengthThe number of ticks to examine when deciding how many labels will fit. Setting a smaller value will be faster, but may be less accurate when there is large variability in label length.
autoSkipbooleantrueIf true, automatically calculates how many labels can be shown and hides labels accordingly. Labels will be rotated up to maxRotation before skipping any. Turn autoSkip off to show all labels no matter what.
autoSkipPaddingnumber3Padding between the ticks on the horizontal axis when autoSkip is enabled.
includeBoundsbooleantrueShould the defined min and max values be presented as ticks even if they are not “nice”.
labelOffsetnumber0Distance in pixels to offset the label from the centre point of the tick (in the x-direction for the x-axis, and the y-direction for the y-axis). Note: this can cause labels at the edges to be cropped by the edge of the canvas
maxRotationnumber50Maximum rotation for tick labels when rotating to condense labels. Note: Rotation doesn’t occur until necessary. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
minRotationnumber0Minimum rotation for tick labels. Note: Only applicable to horizontal scales.
mirrorbooleanfalseFlips tick labels around axis, displaying the labels inside the chart instead of outside. Note: Only applicable to vertical scales.
paddingnumber0Padding between the tick label and the axis. When set on a vertical axis, this applies in the horizontal (X) direction. When set on a horizontal axis, this applies in the vertical (Y) direction.
maxTicksLimitnumber11Maximum number of ticks and gridlines to show.

Common tick options to all axes

Namespace: options.scales[scaleId].ticks

backdropColorColorYes‘rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)’Color of label backdrops.
backdropPaddingPadding2Padding of label backdrop.
callbackfunctionReturns the string representation of the tick value as it should be displayed on the chart. See callback.
displaybooleantrueIf true, show tick labels.
colorColorYesChart.defaults.colorColor of ticks.
fontFontYesChart.defaults.fontSee Fonts
majorobject{}Major ticks configuration.
paddingnumber3Sets the offset of the tick labels from the axis
showLabelBackdropbooleanYestrue for radial scale, false otherwiseIf true, draw a background behind the tick labels.
textStrokeColorColorYes``The color of the stroke around the text.
textStrokeWidthnumberYes0Stroke width around the text.
znumber0z-index of tick layer. Useful when ticks are drawn on chart area. Values <= 0 are drawn under datasets, > 0 on top.

Internal data format

Internally, the logarithmic scale uses numeric data.