A bare union
defines a set of possible types that a value can be as a list of fields. Only one field can be active at a time. The in-memory representation of bare unions is not guaranteed. Bare unions cannot be used to reinterpret memory. For that, use @ptrCast, or use an extern union or a packed union which have guaranteed in-memory layout. Accessing the non-active field is safety-checked Undefined Behavior:
const Payload = union {
Int: i64,
Float: f64,
Bool: bool,
test "simple union" {
var payload = Payload{ .Int = 1234 };
payload.Float = 12.34;
$ zig test test.zig
1/1 test "simple union"...access of inactive union field
/deps/zig/docgen_tmp/test.zig:8:12: 0x204c1b in test "simple union" (test)
payload.Float = 12.34;
/deps/zig/lib/std/special/test_runner.zig:47:28: 0x22bb1e in std.special.main (test)
} else test_fn.func();
/deps/zig/lib/std/start.zig:253:37: 0x20564d in std.start.posixCallMainAndExit (test)
const result = root.main() catch |err| {
/deps/zig/lib/std/start.zig:123:5: 0x20538f in std.start._start (test)
@call(.{ .modifier = .never_inline }, posixCallMainAndExit, .{});
Tests failed. Use the following command to reproduce the failure:
You can activate another field by assigning the entire union:
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Payload = union {
Int: i64,
Float: f64,
Bool: bool,
test "simple union" {
var payload = Payload{ .Int = 1234 };
assert(payload.Int == 1234);
payload = Payload{ .Float = 12.34 };
assert(payload.Float == 12.34);
$ zig test test.zig
1/1 test "simple union"...OK
All 1 tests passed.
In order to use switch with a union, it must be a Tagged union.
To initialize a union when the tag is a comptime-known name, see @unionInit.
Tagged union
Unions can be declared with an enum tag type. This turns the union into a tagged union, which makes it eligible to use with switch expressions. One can use @TagType to obtain the enum type from the union type. Tagged unions coerce to their tag type: Type Coercion: unions and enums.
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const ComplexTypeTag = enum {
const ComplexType = union(ComplexTypeTag) {
Ok: u8,
NotOk: void,
test "switch on tagged union" {
const c = ComplexType{ .Ok = 42 };
assert(@as(ComplexTypeTag, c) == ComplexTypeTag.Ok);
switch (c) {
ComplexTypeTag.Ok => |value| assert(value == 42),
ComplexTypeTag.NotOk => unreachable,
test "@TagType" {
assert(@TagType(ComplexType) == ComplexTypeTag);
test "coerce to enum" {
const c1 = ComplexType{ .Ok = 42 };
const c2 = ComplexType.NotOk;
assert(c1 == .Ok);
assert(c2 == .NotOk);
$ zig test test.zig
1/3 test "switch on tagged union"...OK
2/3 test "@TagType"...OK
3/3 test "coerce to enum"...OK
All 3 tests passed.
In order to modify the payload of a tagged union in a switch expression, place a *
before the variable name to make it a pointer:
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const ComplexTypeTag = enum {
const ComplexType = union(ComplexTypeTag) {
Ok: u8,
NotOk: void,
test "modify tagged union in switch" {
var c = ComplexType{ .Ok = 42 };
assert(@as(ComplexTypeTag, c) == ComplexTypeTag.Ok);
switch (c) {
ComplexTypeTag.Ok => |*value| value.* += 1,
ComplexTypeTag.NotOk => unreachable,
assert(c.Ok == 43);
$ zig test test.zig
1/1 test "modify tagged union in switch"...OK
All 1 tests passed.
Unions can be made to infer the enum tag type. Further, unions can have methods just like structs and enums.
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Variant = union(enum) {
Int: i32,
Bool: bool,
// void can be omitted when inferring enum tag type.
fn truthy(self: Variant) bool {
return switch (self) {
Variant.Int => |x_int| x_int != 0,
Variant.Bool => |x_bool| x_bool,
Variant.None => false,
test "union method" {
var v1 = Variant{ .Int = 1 };
var v2 = Variant{ .Bool = false };
$ zig test test.zig
1/1 test "union method"...OK
All 1 tests passed.
@tagName can be used to return a comptime []const u8
value representing the field name:
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Small2 = union(enum) {
A: i32,
B: bool,
C: u8,
test "@tagName" {
assert(std.mem.eql(u8, @tagName(Small2.C), "C"));
$ zig test test.zig
1/1 test "@tagName"...OK
All 1 tests passed.
extern union
An extern union
has memory layout guaranteed to be compatible with the target C ABI.
See also:
packed union
A packed union
has well-defined in-memory layout and is eligible to be in a packed struct.
Anonymous Union Literals
Anonymous Struct Literals syntax can be used to initialize unions without specifying the type:
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Number = union {
int: i32,
float: f64,
test "anonymous union literal syntax" {
var i: Number = .{.int = 42};
var f = makeNumber();
assert(i.int == 42);
assert(f.float == 12.34);
fn makeNumber() Number {
return .{.float = 12.34};
$ zig test anon_union.zig
1/1 test "anonymous union literal syntax"...OK
All 1 tests passed.