- /**
- * Set value.
- * @param tableName TableHandler name
- * @param hashKey used to decide which partition to put this k-v,
- * if null or length == 0, means hash key is "".
- * @param sortKey all the k-v under hashKey will be sorted by sortKey,
- * if null or length == 0, means sort key is "".
- * @param value should not be null
- * @param ttl_seconds time to live in seconds,
- * 0 means no ttl. default value is 0.
- * @throws PException
- */
- public void set(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, byte[] value, int ttl_seconds) throws PException;
- public void set(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] sortKey, byte[] value) throws PException;
- 提供了两个版本的接口,其中第一个接口可以指定TTL时间。
- 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、SortKey、value;选择性传入TTL。
- 返回值:无。
- 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。