Subject-Based Messaging

Fundamentally, NATS is about publishing and listening for messages. Both of these depend heavily on Subjects.

What is a Subject?
At its simplest, a subject is just a string of characters that form a name which the publisher and subscriber can use to find each other. It helps scope messages into streams or topics.

Subject-Based Messaging - 图1

Characters allowed for subject names

For compatibility across clients, we recommend using ASCII characters (this may change in future).

Recommended characters: a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9 (names are case sensitive, and cannot contain whitespace).
Special characters: The period . (which is used to separate the tokens in the subject) and * and also > (the * and > are used as wildcards).

Subject Hierarchies

The . character is used to create a subject hierarchy. For example, a world clock application might define the following to logically group related subjects:



NATS provides two wildcards that can take the place of one or more elements in a dot-separated subject. Subscribers can use these wildcards to listen to multiple subjects with a single subscription but Publishers will always use a fully specified subject, without the wildcard.

Matching A Single Token

The first wildcard is * which will match a single token. For example, if an application wanted to listen for eastern time zones, they could subscribe to time.*.east, which would match and

Subject-Based Messaging - 图2

Matching Multiple Tokens

The second wildcard is > which will match one or more tokens, and can only appear at the end of the subject. For example,> will match and, while* would only match since it can’t match more than one token.

Subject-Based Messaging - 图3

Monitoring and Wire Taps

Subject to your security configuration, wildcards can be used for monitoring by creating something sometimes called a wire tap. In the simplest case you can create a subscriber for >. This application will receive all messages — again, subject to security settings — sent on your NATS cluster.

Mixing Wildcards

The wildcard * can appear multiple times in the same subject. Both types can be used as well. For example, *.*.east.> will receive

Subject Tokens

It is recommended to keep the maximum number of tokens in your subjects to a reasonable value of 16 tokens max.